The Nosebreaker came back for some games.. and is very very sad about how terrible the meta is . so if The Nosbreaker is to understand correcter. Build dox fac then air fac. then veh fac then advanced vehical factory then win. Guys at uber never been so disapointed in your lack of freaking foresight. how is early t 2 fun. Your maps are not balanced for this .. example hephestus should only have one metal at spawn not four and one metal at first expansion not another four if the new dumb arsed meta is to be "the new thing" wtf uber you guys stoned! or somthing you killed the old school mass battles and fun. Uber you are fun killers ! dont need map controll now cause with the dumb meta 8 odd mex is all you need for t 2... and you can find 8 mex with out your commander even breaking a sweat ... no need for those expansions . your com can pretty much defend anything in the first six mins of the game at first and spawn ... so um yea just wtf................... seriously how in the name of god did pa come to this. This game has gone to ****
stuart98 has one neat trick to fix this its called planetary obliteration all balance issues solved with one weird trick* *and probably replaced with other balance issues
From the sounds of it... he's complaining because it's *his nose* that was broken on the ladder @nosebreaker a bit rusty me thinks?
The Nosebreaker has no need to play ladder any more as he has his ubbbber rank . The Rank can be kept for ever with the flawed ladder system. What possible reason of logic would The Nosebreaker play for and risk lossing it.
flubb believes that the current maps are fine He is confident that a t2 rush is not viable in 1v1, even on the smallest maps such as Forge. This is because one relinquishes map control by pouring so much metal into t2 and it allows their foe to expand rapidly and gain superior build power.
eyhey34 supports flubbs superior knowledge in that nosebreaker is wrong in this statement that early T2 always wins