Hellchick's Favorite Support Strats (And Yours)

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by [UBER]Hellchick, August 13, 2010.

  1. [UBER]Hellchick

    [UBER]Hellchick New Member

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    Support's my hands-down favorite class. I pretty much play it exclusively and only use my second favorite -- Tank -- as a back up if I end up on a team that has at least two Supports already. Here's a few of my favorite strats. We gonna hack into the turret now!

    Double Air-Strikes
    A few of the maps have strategic bridges with some glass structure, especially areas that are close to the moneyball. In can be pretty annoying when someone from the other team gets up in there and you're unsuccessfully trying to root them out like a mouse in your walls. Try launching an air strike on one side of them on the bridge followed immediately by an air strike on the other side. You're likely to catch them trying to run from one only to run right into the other one. Also has a good chance of working if you launch one a bit further back behind them as they try and back away from you. BOOM!

    Turret Safety
    Turrets are harder to kill -- though never completely invulnerable -- if you place them underneath bridges where air strikes from the other team can't land directly on top of them.

    Bot Support
    Since you need your bots to break the moneyball seal, my favorite tactic is to run ahead into a lane, place a turret and hack it, and then wait for my own bots to catch up. I air strike the other team's group of bots that they meet up with, and then consider picking up my turret and placing it further ahead. The whole goal is to help eliminate any enemy bots your own bots are going to encounter along the way, and daisy chaining your turret and air strikes can get them in sooner.

    Overcharge that turret!
    Assassins got you down? Stay by that turret and keep it overcharged! I can't tell you how many times I've taken down AZO the Assassin when he charges in to try and take out my turret. If it's overcharged constantly then you may die in a conflict with him, but it stands a good chance of outlasting the assassin's attack and killing them instead, keeping your turret intact so you can come back and heal it back up.

    Lead Your Targets
    The other Uber guys lament my ability to stick an air strike right to their melons. I usually do that by trying to lead them a little bit. The beauty of that air strike as I see it sail through the air and they just walk right into it...it brings a little tear to my eye.

    Don't stick air strikes to Bouncers.
    I can't tell you how often I've hit the B button in panic when a Bouncer charges at me and I stuck him with an air strike. All I end up doing is killing myself because the Bouncer charges right at me. D'oh.

    What's your favorite Support tricks?
  2. hatemakerr

    hatemakerr New Member

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    After finding out lvl3 juice gives you 40%, I run that on my support and by the time I set up my gun, over heal it, teammates running out of spawn, a bot or two, PLUS picking up some juice from kills... I get juice within the first 5 minutes am I'm off to blowing up an entire base.
    Love support more and more.
  3. Adree1

    Adree1 New Member

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    Hack with your back against the turret.
  4. Warskull

    Warskull New Member

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    I completely agree with taking gold juice on support. You will have juice ready to go rather quickly. So you secure the base, buff everything up, help the team push a bit, and by the time you hit the enemy base you have juice. Turn it on and drain/airstrike all their turrets into oblivion.


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    Great tips, hellchick - I apply most.

    I didn't realize you could pick up your fb and redeploy quickly until this morning. That feature has me averaging a 5+ kd ratio.

    Support class dominates for sure.
  6. Sengoku no Maou

    Sengoku no Maou New Member

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    I'll try all of this when I unlock my 4th Custom Class. I haven't played all day and I need something to aspire to.
  7. lawlimbad

    lawlimbad New Member

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    A couple things that seem to work for the most part.

    If youre playing against other competent support....s they will try and airstrike your sentry, if you stay close to it and you see it coming you can grab it and run away before you die. Thus not giving them ANY POINTS AT ALL.

    You can also use yourself as bait to either draw people into the killzone of your sentry or to keep people from shooting your sentry. People generally want to shoot a player over a sentry gun. Same thing with drawing people out of cover with the airstrike.

    Also a little request to fellow support users, if you see a sentry at one point, can you please not place yours just before mine in the path of the enemy. I can understand if its next to it and they both shoot enemies, but when you put it before it steals pretty much everything.

    Anyone have any tips for what endorsements to use? I havent noticed a significant difference for the ones ive used...mainly stick with Aptilube then Steel Peel then either Regen or speed, I like to run away from assassins and try to dodge bullets.
  8. LunarKnightmare

    LunarKnightmare New Member

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    Right after you hit the button to hack, if your reticule is over your miniturret thing (I can't remember the name, 5am XD) then you hold the trigger, you'll heal/overcharge it as you hack it. It works for pretty much anything except enemy turrets, because you can't heal those.
  9. cazoofoo

    cazoofoo New Member

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    Get some bots and overheal them with your healgun and preferably buff them with your passive then using them to distract a turret hack it... So deliciously evil :twisted:
  10. UnderWire

    UnderWire New Member

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    You said it in another thread, but I think it bears repeating here:
    I will often spawn a long shot (or 2) and upgrade it asap to generate quick cash. Once that thing starts crankin, it can make your housekeeping chores that much quicker, and you don't have to attend to it like you would a FB placed in the open.

    Another tip: I like to use lazer turrets right up front in those nodes that are blocked off by walls. Lazer turrets are weak and go down fast, but if you catch someone coming round the corner and going nose to nose with a 3.3 Lazer it can be very effective, especially in the early going when they aren't expecting it.
  11. Proven

    Proven New Member

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    I've won games only using hack. It's hard, but if you have a very offensive team that at least buys one turret or upgrade to help you on cash, you can just make longshots and use your firebase to defend. It really only works if you're on a team that keeps opposing Pro's away, like with a number of good assassins or a base camping strategy.
  12. dragonfist

    dragonfist Member

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    This helped a lot. I think I played against you once Hellchick?
  13. metalsnake27

    metalsnake27 New Member

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    support tactic i see the most (espically on grenade III). Get your fire base, go to the enemies first bridge, put your fire base behind unbreakable glass or in a cornor, tank your firebase. If you die, repeat.
  14. Diablohead

    Diablohead New Member

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    I tend to place my firebase behind walls so once it starts to shoot someone they are facing away from it, nice hidden firebase can rack up 10+ kills before someone goes to kill it.

    Sometimes I place the firebase overlooking one of their bot spawns, hack it to point 3 and watch as their wave of bots is halfed without any problem.

    Another trick I use often is juice, run into their base, hack their rocket turret and retreat, in most pubs no one notices that it's changed colour and shooting at them for a while.
  15. Neargood

    Neargood New Member

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    Airstrike is the best skill in the game by far just for the fact that you can throw them pretty far and take out expensive turrets (and just about everything else) with VERY LITTLE RISK. It 1-shots every class and all bots except the Jackbots and Bouncers. It doesn't even matter if people have positional advantage over you since you can throw the beacon under bridges or over walls.

    Airstrike 3 gives you 3 airstrikes per full meter so getting it makes even late-game lane pushing incredibly simple. Saving your meter for 3 simultaneous Airstrikes is a great way to nuke down Jackbots or overhealed turrets. The huge blast radius makes it really forgiving to aim, too.

    Healing is important, but I almost always have my shotgun out since overzealous Assassins are a dime a dozen. Early game, use the shotgun to help lane push for extra income and fall back to your Firebase when things get hairy.
  16. MarsIsDed

    MarsIsDed New Member

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    If you spawn two-three gapshots and overheal them at the start of a match instead of buying skills chances are you'll make more money then you started with. (Good for Juicers)

    When you run into an enemy engineer using a shotgun, drain his health, the range is slightly further and he'll likely still pursue you unwary of this. remember that you move at the same speed. (generally)

    Assassins have a distinct humming sound when invisible. When you hear this keep your back against a wall, if they try a grapple from the front; as long as you have an armor sponsor, you'll live. (you can switch to the shotgun while in the assassin's grapple animation)

    You can hack multiple turrets. Friendly or foe. do this.

    If you have +1000$ late in the game with full upgraded skills, be patient and buy 10 gap shots consecutively, they'll earn enough for another 10 in no time.
  17. Vike113

    Vike113 New Member

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    Off-Topic but where do you get sigs like these:
    (Dragonfist's sig)

    I'd love to get an assassin one. :mrgreen:

    And to contribute to the thread: Never turn your back on me, I will kill you no matter how overpowered your firebase is. ;)
  18. Snappyguy

    Snappyguy New Member

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  19. hostileparadox

    hostileparadox Well-Known Member

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    A game winning strategy is... healing. Overhealing to be precise.

    The support has the ability to get his Juice the fastest out of all the classes. Overhealing your bots, your turrets, your team mates will have your juices flowing in no time ;)

    Once the money ball shields are down, I usually make a Kamikaze run while juiced with my shotgun. If they have turrets, use your HHGun on them, it will keep you alive. If they have no turrets, I unload my shotgun right against the money ball. Make sure you have increased rate of fire and a bigger clip as your endorsements. Doing this will take down their money ball health from 100% to about 50%. And if I deploy my turret right next to it, it keeps me healed while i fight off the enemy team. And it shoots the crap out of their MB.

    Cheers to all the support out there. Keep up the good work gents. :D
  20. Crimson Trainer

    Crimson Trainer New Member

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    A good way to grab some quick cash is to grab your hack and spawn a longshot and keep it running. The constant artillery can easily nab you some cash for destroying bots and will also harass those pesky snipers camping behind the glass. Unfortunatly it wont work on the map with the large dome covering most of the map as the turret will just shoot into the wall.

    Also, could someone explain the supports lv2 passive ability? I've heard people talking about it concerning the bots or something like that.

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