I want healing to be more rewarded,(not by something serious) but at least some assist,would be nice .
Assists would make sense, although the support doesn't really need to make more money.. something else would need to be decreased to compensate
there would be a couple of things to watch out for if they add assists: 1. Only give assists if the support is currently healing the person, not just recently 2. Only give assists for healing players, not bots or turrets 3. Don't give assists if the healed player gets awarded a kill via turret or spawned bots.
IMHO no... you get juice for overhealing team mates, as well as a better chance at winning the game. Support is already balls good as a class, both playing offensively and supporty. If you give me gold for healing team mates each time they get a kill, I will honestly never stop buying anything.
Getting juice is nice, but the juice generation from healing is nowhere near what you get for attacking. Granted they SHOULD be lower(by a fair bit too) but if you are constantly healing people who are under their max (rather than over healing them) it should generate juice a bit faster than it does. It takes about 10seconds of healing to generate as much juice as a sniper can get with 1 shot through a wave of bots. I think that the juice generation for healing could use a small buff for healing recently hurt targets. Leave the juice generation alone for over healing purposes though.
* ONLY gain juice if target is NOT overhealed * Get NOTHING if target is overhealed * Gain juice so slowly, only effective way to gain juice is to constantly heal a turret that's being bombarded by a SINGLE gunner's mortar. Over a period of A MINUTE. * Gain $1 per 3rd tick or so. **** healing, I can just go straight to the source of damage and bomb the **** out of it.
Dont have much problems playing support. I deploy a turret somewhere along the frontlines, get it to level 3, hack it to level 2 and then I overheal teammates denying the opponents kills and MONEY and keeping my team and frontline strong. Seeing the difference I make when I overheal every teammate in the most need of it is enough for me! Occasionally quickdraw the shotgun to frag that once in a while assassin that realises you are preventing them from gaining ground, and occasionally juice rush to destroy a turret and a few kills to pull back and go back to overheal your teammates and re-hack your turrets. $ has never been an issue to me as a support as I never really put myself in harms way unless I see a golden opportunity on unaware opponents.
I dont have problems with money too,I just want to make people ,heal more. And I want to have more assists in my awesome scores
I play support almost exclusively and I think hes fine the way he is. The support already has the best opportunity for assists via the firebase.
@PKC I totally agree there about the firebase and assists. I can throw a firebase down and have it get kills or just farm bots while I'm defending a turret or healing a gunner. However I also feel that the healing aspect of the heal/hurt gun is not rewarded enough for IN-COMBAT healing.
Your reward: Keeping your teammates alive, preventing the enemy to get money from kills and assists from kills gained from teammates. + 1$ every third tick. This ofcourse depending on your team if they are worth healing at all or not... Best give it a try though and do it anyway, cause you get JUICE too!