Healer turrets being placed on jump pads

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by hellkingcqh, October 21, 2010.

  1. hellkingcqh

    hellkingcqh New Member

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    I would like to know if that is suppose to be possible?
    Also you guys still need to work on the shooting though walls there are lots of the big name players useing that glitch to get there kills and its BS...
  2. hellkingcqh

    hellkingcqh New Member

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  3. hostileparadox

    hostileparadox Well-Known Member

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    I'm going to try and take a stab here... I think the reason no one has replied is because its hard to understand what you are saying.

    Do you mean a firebase lvl3? Is that what you mean by healer turret?
    Are you asking if it is possible to put a firebase on a jump pad? Or that you have seen it done and you would like to know if this is an exploit?

    Or do you literally want the option to add a healing turret, which has not been designed, next to jump pads or on them?

    And yes, Uber is still working on fixing glitches like shooting through walls. It helps if you can describe where it happened and how were they doing it.

    Also, do not bump threads. Not unless you have something useful to add. If no one replied, let it sink. ;)
  4. Ekanaut

    Ekanaut Uber Alumni

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    Can you be more specific about your shooting through walls complaint? There are several issues related to this and the most common one is that it looks like someone is shooting through walls but they're not due to host and client being out of sync. It really depends on the weapon.
  5. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    if it applies, i also have managed to deploy, and afterwards walk on a jump pad, which is something i thought was fixed.
  6. Ekanaut

    Ekanaut Uber Alumni

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    We fixed deploying next to jump pad which causes the player to bounce up and down deployed. Is that what you're seeing or something else?
  7. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    In regards to shooting through walls, the tank can do it with both weapons. You can just sit behind glass exposing nothing but your gun and shoot enemy players. If you guys want help fixing that, I'd love to contribute.
  8. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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    Ya I've died a few times from team members plopping a firebase down on active jump pads.
    Turn the corner with red health, run to the jump pad.

    Notice the fb just a second too late in your panic

    WHOOSH off the map

    It pretty much means both teams are screwed out of using that particular pad.
  9. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    ive managed to deploy on an active jump pad, and stand still on it. once you undeploy you can walk freely inside the jump pad radius without moving. once you leave the radius, you will be able to use the pad again. i can do this on command, not that i do. i ran into a support on blitz that constantly walked in front of me blocking me(gunner) from shooting the bots so his firebase could, so i stopped trying, started playing around, and found this. i blocked him from the annihilator and jackbots dropped us on round 30. any more info will be sent via pm to devs if interested.
  10. hellkingcqh

    hellkingcqh New Member

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    i was talking about the firebase how ppl put them on jump pads where they dont belong and as for the shooting though walls it was tanks that were doing this to me and sometimes snipers that get there gun out but not body.

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