Have You Ever Been So Amazed...

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Miles Prower, December 21, 2010.

  1. Miles Prower

    Miles Prower New Member

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    ... by how bad your team played that your jaw literally drops when you see the score?

    I was playing a 6v6 match on Spunky Cola. I'm definitely not good at this game (not even close), but I managed to go 25-16-5 as an assault (honorably, no spawn camping). We ended up winning just barely (and I mean just barely) in overtime. I didn't see many people hanging back so I defended our ball in overtime.

    Considering we won, I thought we did okay. When I saw the score, it told another story. Together my teammates went something like 25-100. One high level guy (90+) went 4-3-35.

    Have you ever had jaw-dropping experiences like this? Please share.
    Last edited: December 21, 2010
  2. Lamb

    Lamb New Member

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    Yup, pretty much every other game I play when I search alone. I had this one game where I had 62 kills as the sniper on grenade 3, and I couldn't push up to the other team's moneyball, even after juicing, because my teammates were circle jerking in the spawn and one was shooting our own moneyball. Basically 1v6. I don't remember all their scores entirely but one guy went 0-17.
    Last edited: December 21, 2010
  3. harpy515

    harpy515 New Member

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    I played a lot today. Literally every game except for maybe one I was one of two people to go positive. I would also have like 2-3 times the money of those people. Its not like I was just going for kills. I just don't understand how these people can go 2-25 and still be a high level like they are...

    I hate playing with randoms.....
  4. OfficerFuttBuck

    OfficerFuttBuck Active Member

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    I think I might of been in that game. And you were the only person I was afraid of. Damn good sniping.
  5. harpy515

    harpy515 New Member

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    Ya I sniped for a couple games earlier. I usually play assault though.
  6. wienermcpeters

    wienermcpeters New Member

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    its worse in the off hours when games don't add players because no one is on. if you get one of those lobbies that you can't escape, so you stay in it. even worse when after a couple of matches you start being singled out and ganged up on by the partied members of the other team because you're the only one who can get kills and get turrets killed so bots get to their ball. really i just hate when you single handedly get the ball down in under two minutes and no one else helps you blitz the ball, so you're just standing in the base alone waiting for six people to come protect their ball.

    where is the no party option? lol. it would make everything so much better.
  7. An Artic Fox

    An Artic Fox New Member

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    Me: 21-8-5
    Assassin: 2-3-21
    Assassin: 3-7-34
    Assassin: 6-16-32
    Sniper: 2-18-28

    My team....Just your typical pub teammates with no mics.

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