Just checked my stats today, I've only put in 37.5 hours into the game. However I have yet to die even ONCE to a laser blazer turret. You'd think I'd have died at least 2-3 times just by a fluke y'know? I'm not trying to brag, I think it says more about the quality of the LBs than the quality of my play. I mean with the RoF that the LBs have, and the number I've seen you'd think that there would be at least a couple times I got last hit by one but nope. How many times have you guys died to LBs?
I have at least died one time from an LB. I was juice farming on one as a tank, but I got caught by an assault who tore down my health far enough.
Never. I think this is mainly due to laser blazers doing pitiful damage to pros and mostly being made to kill bots. I want to try hacking an enemy laser blazer near their bot spawn at least once, see if they notice.
I once died to a 3.3 LB as an assault, but I was about to die anyways, and charged past it, not noticing it while it pew pew'd me. But that was months ago.
Actually happened to me today. On Spunky the turret left to the moneyball was a lvl 1 LB, which got hacked sometime in the game and we only noticed it because at the end the camera was flying around it.
Died once actually. Was going to fly over a 3.3 one, but forgot my Gunner's jetpack wasn't full yet, so I fell on the thing... Not cool. Still did some damage, but as a gunner, no real chance to get away.
Just an fyi, all turrets have a targeting priority and in this case Pros being last. Pre-nerf on the XBox version I've died tons of times from Lazer Blazers, most of those deaths were deployed as a Tank. But that turret placement can't control bot lane/s?
I've died from Laser Blazers (yes, plural) usually when the game ends and the team is trying to get a turret up. The game ends while the Laser Blazer turret is still in the process and kills me every time (once the turret is finished). What joy it is to die being defenseless.
During the win animation you can still use your abilities, accidentally pressing Flak as Sniper may just get you killed (always hilarious, especially for people with default binds who try to open the steam overlay)
man i miss the pre-nerf LBs , i would love to see a fire effect on pros hit by constant LB shots to compensate for the LB vs Pro uselessness.
Slimbots kill me fairly often. LBs have STILL never killed me (put in 7 more hours of gameplay time just since I started this thread. Often times I'll escape from an enemy only to run right past a bot wave and one of the slim bots kills me. (or more annoyingly, flying over a bot wave as assault and suddenly they all decide to shoot me despite being fairly high above them.)
Skills still work during that screen. Flak, Bombs (Assaults can even detonate them during Bullseye dancing), Air Strikes, Product Grenades and Firebases, which is probably what kills you. Base turrets however don't, if so there are plenty of times when the game ends and there are level 3 Rockit on the starting nubs which would probably kill everyone. :lol: