Has it been discussed already?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Wishlist' started by DistinctQuantic, September 20, 2010.

  1. DistinctQuantic

    DistinctQuantic New Member

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    I recently got thinking about a new mode, which I'm sure has crossed your minds to some extent. This mode would essentially be blitz, except it would consist of a 4v4 match where, similar to L4D, one team are pros, protecting their moneyball, and the other is a team of bots.

    As a (blackjack) bot though, you'd have to score a certain amount of points acquired by damaging turrets, pros, and the moneyball (like how pros get money for skills). Once you have accumulated enough, you can purchase a new bot to spawn as, like a scrambler, gap shot (controlled like the predator missiles in MW2), and, with enough points built up and a little luck, the jack bot.

    Your stats are based on how much overall damaged you caused, and how long it took to defeat the opposing pros, what you spawned as what the most, your longest life, etc.

    Just a thought. Comments and suggestions are welcomed.
  2. nailhead04

    nailhead04 New Member

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    holy **** that sounds sweet. like a pack of blackjacks. Although not all pro bots are that good. Who would play Scramble bots?
  3. sxd24

    sxd24 Member

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    Hey now, this isn't only your brainchild, Distinct. Owe credit where credit is due.

    Anyways, to simplify things a bit, we could still roll with the money system instead of points, and blackjacks/slims would still spawn every few seconds. Only specials would have to be spawned with money, and, just like the bots in blitz, you could purchase upgrades to increase their speed, rate of fire, armor, etc.

    Any ideas or input would be greatly appreciated.
  4. DistinctQuantic

    DistinctQuantic New Member

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    ... We talked about it for like a minute, but yesssss you get credited with the idea too.

    And I just meant points as a vague statement, since the money system is essentially a point keeper. My thoughts on that were more specifically why would the bots need money, but it keeps things concise to continue with the way it is now.

    And who knows? Maybe people will find really effective ways to use each bot. Even as a scrambler being controlled by a player, and let's say there's a range upgrade, they could easily sneak in behind the cover of a swarm of bots and keep the pros from using their skills.
  5. VawnOTheDawn

    VawnOTheDawn New Member

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    For one thing, for a developer to try something like that in their first game would make it seem like they were just ripping ideas off of other games, and Uber already got some BS smack about TF2, they don't need more.

    Secondly... this just really doesn't interest me much. It would be like playing as classes with fewer abilities and less fun. The bots are virtually brainless, slow moving golems that move along a set track (and changing that would only conflict with how they portrayed the bots in Crossfire. Why are they suddenly sentient and badass in this mode?). If given the option I would always want to play Crossfire, where I would always get to be a pro.

    Then there's also balancing to take into account. They would effectively need to make 8 new classes and balance them, which is just impractical. WAR made the same mistake by having 20 classes and then adding 4 more in less than a year. It just didn't work.

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