Yes, it's that movie where all the Hitler rant parodies come from. Toward the end when Goebbels is leaving the bunker he says something along the lines of "le juiz sant faire" to a radio operator. Anyone know what he meant?
I'm probably misquoting. But I'm pretty sure it wasn't German because it sure as hell doesn't sound German and the subtitles were in italics. But it was something along those lines.
quick google gave me this : "les jeux sont fait" *Ley juh sau feh*- 'the dice are cast' (it's irreversible/ no turning back / it is done / the cards are played / ect...)
Yeah that's it. Google wasn't helping because I was searching for the mangled sentence I wrote in the OP. While we're here. There was another scene way earlier in the movie where this military officer and his wife are having dinner with Hitler and she was discussing how they got there. Right before she mentions the plane took a hit right before they landed she says something about a freiser-something. Anyone know what that is?
if you can link me the scene on youtube, sure. possibly "Fraisier" ? were they having strawberry shortcake for desert in that scene? shortcake
I'm trying to find it. I'm pretty sure it has to do with planes though, given the context. And I'm pretty sure it was a freiser-[word that ends with "ser"] It's a great movie btw.
Gah! Can't find it! It's also not a dinner scene. They're patching up the man's leg. And his wife is explaining how their plane flew over Russian lines and Hitler says "Glad you're in one piece. Mostly". If you want to watch it there's a slim chance you can see it here: If it doesn't work you're not Australian enough. AHA! FOUND IT! FIESELER STORCH!