Hard to start MNC

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by TemptedNZ, February 16, 2011.

  1. TemptedNZ

    TemptedNZ New Member

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    It's getting hard to start MNC knowing that the first game you get into you'll be put on a team with 4 frags, 42 deaths stuck in spawn telling each other how important fragging bots is while having no turrets, no money and no bot frags because they're stuck in spawn because they can't frag players.

    It's an obstacle that has to be endured practically every time you join a server.

    It's the cool thing these days do look down upon players who frag players, but without them guess what, your team is just as screwed as if you had no bot fraggers.

    I'm sure someone will come along and say how they only hate the players who go ONLY for player kills and I'm telling you now,I would rather have a team of those than a team of players stuck in spawn not doing anything because their forte is denied to them.

    Just venting.
  2. xknight2099

    xknight2099 Member

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    I might just be sleepy but at the moment I don't understand what your exact complaint is...

    it sounds like people just staying in spawn and not killing anything (bots or pros)

    but that no make sense cause usually people at least TRY and do one or the other even if they fail at both and go 0-0-20 with ? bot kills.
  3. TemptedNZ

    TemptedNZ New Member

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    The "vent" is I'm sick of useless team mates.

    Compounded by a trend of people consoling themselves about their piss weak performances by marginalizing player kills.

    Play with a single friend and suddenly you're "team stacking." as well because with two people it's incredibly easy to carry.
    Last edited: February 16, 2011
  4. TwevOWND97

    TwevOWND97 New Member

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    Normally if I get useless teamates/join a losing game I just switch to Gunner and Tiki Taunt right bedind of the main door to the spawn roon, that, or do the same thing with the Assaults Grenade Launcher taunt.
  5. harpy515

    harpy515 New Member

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    It's people like you who ruin this game for some people. Great job.
  6. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    How is that ruining the game? Taunting in front of 1 out of 3 exits is ruining the game? I mean after all it is just a game, lets us have fun outside of the set rules of the game. Public games aren't serious business.

    Above all else you have the option to leave and find a new room. If it throws you into the same room then search, cancel, search. New room with no effort. :D
  7. harpy515

    harpy515 New Member

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    How is he helping his team doing that?? We all know that one person can change the game. If you get a really good player in your game half way through they can sometimes pull out the win. How is that going to happen if you have some dude taking up a spot taunting right inside your spawn?
  8. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I still don't see how it's ruining the game?
  9. harpy515

    harpy515 New Member

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    Obviously I didn't mean it completely ruins the game. Plus if you read my post is says "for some people".

    Quit being such a prude.
  10. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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  11. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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  12. xknight2099

    xknight2099 Member

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    wow I read it now and get it. Thats what I get for staring at accouning problems all day. I officially hate listing accounts in order of liquidity :shock:

    Yeah I would just play with friends/forum people.

    people are always going to complain about something, it might as well be about how good your doing.

    I don't do this enough but if the randoms do have a mike the attempt should be made to educate them on "how not to suck" even if its just to tell people to kill bots or you cant damage a money ball with shields up or telling the gunner to use his mortar on turrets instead of his gun. little things like that can go a long way to making bad teamates at least a little more useful then the average random.

    Of course its easier said then done. The down-side of public games is that some people just suck.
  13. That Dutch Guy

    That Dutch Guy New Member

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    whats a prude
  14. Undertaker4uplr

    Undertaker4uplr New Member

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    lol the OP might be to intelligent to play this game......All those big words are to much for us common folk to comprehend.
  15. truckus

    truckus New Member

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    This thread reminded me of something that happened to me the other day. I had joined a game in progress, picked my assault and tried to exit the center spawn. The keyword is TRIED.

    3 gunners from my team immediately sorrounded me while I was in the little tunnel that extends out of the spawn (meaning I couldntnt even JUMP over them). So i couldnt move at all and immediately got pissed off. About 15 seconds later I realized just how hilarious this was, put my controller down, and stayed for the rest of the game. lol's were had :lol:

    gotta relax and laugh at the stupid stuff a little ;)
  16. SpcTorres

    SpcTorres New Member

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    What? Will someone please translate this for me?
  17. xknight2099

    xknight2099 Member

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    Hes saying people whine when they get killed instead of doing anything about it.

    I lost what's left of my sanity trying to play with randoms today :lol:
  18. MootPinks

    MootPinks New Member

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    If I see a teammate doing this while we're losing the word "fun" doesn't come to mind. Although the word that DOES come to mind shares a couple of letters.

    Substitute the word "frag" for the word "kill" and it should become clearer.
  19. SpcTorres

    SpcTorres New Member

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    I play with randoms a lot and sometimes they go out of their way to make the other team win.
  20. Organous

    Organous Member

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    Sure, it really bites to be put on a team that's on the receiving end of a big beatstick. That will happen more often than not, considering people will often leave when their team is losing. What makes this so much better though, is when you get on said team and are so good you can carry this team that was getting spawncamped all the way to complete victory. I had a 6-person party last night and decided to just put us all into a random game rather than risk hosting on a game that would never happen. Most of us got put onto a team that had only one active player, and they had our team completely dominated. The fact that we weren't all together allowed the game to stay interesting, but suffice it to say we managed to get them all out of our house and eventually won. This was in Steel Peel by the way, the map most suited to high-pressure camping.

    Of course, this is an anomaly. You have to be both extremely skilled and lucky to get that to happen. For the average player, joining a game when your team is already dominated essentially means that you are going to get a lot of deaths and a loss before you can really play. You could always just sit in spawn for the first game and guarantee you'll be in the next lobby on even footing (assuming the other side is not an all-star party, in which case you're really best off finding another lobby).

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