So today I was just messing around and going for melee kills. As assassin, you can lunge and melee a person very quickly. Me and iV Snack Vi were just running around getting melees today and it was HILARIOUS. I highly recommend that you get with some friends and surround somebody. IT IS SO FUNNY!!! Anyway, this is a pretty pointless thread, but not enough people have fun with humiliations.
I always get melee kills and i don't mean to. When i play i always melee when im not shooting keeps me focused and on guard when i juice sometimes an assassin clocked i don't notice will come out of the base i and will be meleeing giving me a kill.
You're a bit late there. OXYTeam is the reason why the Humiliation Pro-tag was added. They were the ones who started this craze.
Wow, three in one game! That's crazy dude, you are such a frucking beast! Srsly, I only ever managed to get two and man, that was intense! I'm definitely going to try harder next time. I already heard you were good from other people but now I'm assured.
What a troll. My favorite melee story was when I started a game on Grenade by going 3 - 0 with 3 melees on the same assassin. LOLDOUBLEGRAPPLEMELEE. Upgrading grapple is so much less fun.
I just play for fun. The key to meleeing is to juice and kill people while they taunt. Talk about a major OMG moment for the other person.
no, the key to meleeing is to outsmart them. that isnt much of an accomplishment if you are juiced or they are taunting. out of my 250ish humiliations, maybe 30 of them are from juice, another 10 from taunters.
my best humiliation was when i was fighting a sniper and he started to run but then i charge 2 him into the corner in ammo mule near the spawn and went right into it. he couldnt excape because he grappled me beforehand and couldnt headshot me because i was too close in.