I LOVE it! Either forcing a team to destroy it, or forcing them to re-hack it, it's just so much fun! On a side note can one hack a firebase?
It is pretty dam awesome when you can pull it off, I love hacking shaveices III's as they take the other team AGES to take down and make life that little bit more Hellish untill they do :twisted:
It's fun and to build your Juice just follow your team/bots around with at least a level 2 Support upgrade, as you help you get plenty of Juice and your team benefits big.
I went against this one guy, he ALWAYS had one of our turrets hacked. Like five minutes in and WHAM, our bots stop coming for some reason. I go back and see a level 2 rocket hacked. 1337 H4X man 1337 H4X. After we killed it he got another one. He was GOOD.
is it possible to hack an enemy turret while its upgrading the same way you can hack a friendly one? would make it easy to hack a lvl3 rockit that way
thats easy, a lot of people upgrade and then run off to kill etc next question what takes longer hacking an enemy turret or lvl3 upgrade on a rockit?
I believe hacking takes a smidge less time. It is 15seconds for a level 2 turret to upgrade to level 3. I think it is 10seconds to hack an enemy turret. But I'm not 100% certain on the hacking time.
seems like it could be an epic move to pull off in my extremely limited time as a very average support i have managed to hack a lvl1 rockit with fabulous results on spunky have been on the receiving end of a 3.3 shave ice on lazer razer that just flat out stopped our bots from both spawns
I don't do this as much as I should. Rera has given me some tips, and I will try them. I will be returning to the game todayish. It was supposed to be yesterday but then life happened. I will likely play like I have cerebral palsy. If you see this, laugh at me, I deserve it :lol: Need more coffee and more music before I start playing today.
I've seen it done and when it happens to level 3 turrets it can be a huge pain if there's any backup. Sadly, you can't upgrade a hacked enemy turret.
I hacked 3 turrets in a single round today. Pretty proud of myself. The other team was pretty pissed off.