I've noticed that if you hack a turret to level 3 as a Support, and a friendly support with his hack skill level still at 2 comes and hacks the same turret, that turret's hack goes from 3 to 2. Should that really be happening? Sure, that level 2 support should have known better, but still. :lol:
:lol: IDK not really an issue. Just kindly point it out to them and they will probably never do it again. Was probably their first game as support or something. I personally have never seen anyone do that, so I doubt that it justifies a patch. (unless it is as easy as changing a single line of code)
Well... there is one advantage to the lower-leveled hack taking priority, which is that the hack period is restored to full. Besides, if you've got a Support who's actively trying to ruin your team by overwriting stronger hacks with weaker ones... well, let's just say that he's really not trolling at optimal efficiency. Still, perhaps both hacks should take effect for their full duration, and only the strongest one actually applies.
This was brought up a few months ago on the 360 forum. No one seemed to make too much of a fuss since it seems like a very rare thing that happens. viewtopic.php?f=17&t=3579&hilit=+hack While not a game breaking thing, it is a little annoying to have newbies downgrading my hacks. But generally I only get that from newbies. I imagine IF this is on the Dev's list of things to do, its probably near the bottom of the list. Of course, one could always argue that a level 3 hack about to run out is better replaced by a fresh level 1 or level 2 hack, then no hack at all. Its very circumstantial.
"RAEG A SUPPORT HACKED MY TURRET AND IT WASN'T A LEVEL 3 HACK HE'S GRIEFING ME" Boo hoo, at least he hacked it and it will stay hacked for a longer time.
First of all, take a deep breath and calm down. Secondly, a level 1 hack lasts less then a level 3 hack. So if he does it immediately after you do yours, it lasts less and is less effective. If they do it when it's about to run out, its good. Anytime before the hack is half way done is really not helping you.