Gunner is OP

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by PandaOracle, August 26, 2010.

  1. PandaOracle

    PandaOracle New Member

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    Gunner is far too overpowered. There minigun can destory you health in seconds from far away or close, and there slam slows you down so you can't escape. Plus they have tons of health. If they don't get nerfed I will lose all respect for Uber.
  2. D3C3P7AKONZ

    D3C3P7AKONZ New Member

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    GET OVER IT there big dumb slow easy targets. If your too DUMB too move outta there line of fire/range then u deserve everything u get..

    i play as support and quite happily shotgun the back of there big bald head dont u dare blaim UBER for your failing's.. this topic has been covered and every1 is getting sick of these threads.

    how to kill a HG

    use another HG
    Assassin - back stab/ front stab to dash
    support - SHOTGUN and firebase (or run around screaming ahhhh a HG)
    Sniper - seriously u have to ask?
    Tank - again u have to ask?
    Assault - remote charge to head crab him or charge/dash with some nice bullets thrown in

    seriously quit your b!tching and learn to counter there skills not nerf em cuz your to stupid to move outta the way of 6000 rounds per minute
  3. Mutated Muskrat

    Mutated Muskrat New Member

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    There is no bigger headshot target for a sniper than a fat headed gunner....and if he's deployed, he's asking for a bullet between the eyes.

    A gunner with a support guy? THAT is overpowered..but in the sense that teamwork should be rewarded.
  4. D3C3P7AKONZ

    D3C3P7AKONZ New Member

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    OH NO its a support and he's supporting a HG awwww i lost quick NERF EM NERF EM ALL
  5. Mutated Muskrat

    Mutated Muskrat New Member

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    Was that sarcasm? I couldn't tell. I am not saying that it needs to be nerfed, only that if the two are working together, they deserve to be rewarded. I find that combo annoying, but if MY team was playing like that, then perhaps I would be too busy pushing bots and killing the money ball to worry about it.
  6. D3C3P7AKONZ

    D3C3P7AKONZ New Member

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    yes it was sarcasm lol TEAMWORK FTW if your dumb enough to go near a support with 2HG's around then prepare for a swiss cheesing i say..And b4 you get confused no im not talking about u again..
  7. Mutated Muskrat

    Mutated Muskrat New Member

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    lol, the first time I figured it was sarcasm...just wasn't sure who it was meant for (didn't really think it was me)... Just going out on a limb, but I am guessing the OP plays as an which case I lose all respect for him (as he apparently is going to do with Uber) for not figuring out that he can't just run up to the gunner and expect to win...
  8. Archangel

    Archangel New Member

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    God people are so defensive when we start to insult Uber. Honestly from a programmers point of view this game feels rushed to release. Now whether that is Ubers fault, Mircosofts, or who evers the point is this game got release with some MAJOR bugs and they over looked a lot of issues/exploits.

    The gunner needs alittle tweaking, he maybe slow but it seems has no range limit to his gun. This needs to be looked at. His slam ability gets caught on every inch of ledge around him when he tries to slam below him, which is fine just annoying. His grapple is fine, and his deploy is fine.

    I never go negitive when I play the gunner. He is another easy class and needs to be adjusted. Same goes for the Support. Simple adjustments can balance them out.

    Stop defending Uber, if they don't like what we are saying they can reply them selfs. That's one of the reasons they are active on this site.
  9. Konner

    Konner New Member

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    I won't say he's OP, but he definitely has a ridiculous TTK at everything other than long-range.

    If you can deploy, everything other than extreme long-range is a breeze.

    No one uses his mortar either, which is unbelievably good.
  10. FiercelyFuzzy

    FiercelyFuzzy New Member

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    Play as an Assault and kick his ***. (hint- if you need to kill ANY class, roll as an assault. They are the true OP class.)
  11. Archangel

    Archangel New Member

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    I lol'ed. One on one I never get killed by an assault. At range Tank wins, mid range tank, close tank unless the assault can manage a charge grab off a ledge.
  12. jjcpockets

    jjcpockets New Member

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    Not gonna lie, when I roll as assault the only class I fear is the damned tank. That boy is tough to bring down before he gets close to you, and he moves slow as it is. I for one am glad that there are only a handful of good tank players.
  13. D3C3P7AKONZ

    D3C3P7AKONZ New Member

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    damn straight i cower in fear of a tank regardless of what im using (i cant use tank for some reason) those things in the hands of an expert are a freaking my op they are slightly OP with health but i guess thats the point of a "tank"
  14. Cornstalk

    Cornstalk New Member

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    Why only question for gunner...

    Is the snare effect from their bullets really necessary when they're deployed? Like a class that can kill you in 2 seconds parked on their butts shooting into your base really needs to cut your speed in half for 3 seconds too...

  15. MeltsYurFace

    MeltsYurFace New Member

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    Sure, the gunners minigun can shoot you from long range, but if I'm pumping lead at you from halfway across the map and you don't have enough sense to get out of my line of fire then you deserve to get killed.

    Seriously though, the damage output from the minigun at long range is so small that the OP must have just stood in one spot and let a gunner hold his trigger for 15 seconds.
  16. Red Rain

    Red Rain New Member

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    tank railgun only barely outdamages the gunner and thats only if ur hiding behind a wall across the map otherwise ur dead no matter what. assassins will die against a gunner unless the charge then back grapple it. u think u cna get close enough to shotgun consistently? a gunner will rape a firebase and then rape u as u try to shotgun. assault and sniper can actually kill gunners tho
  17. Cornstalk

    Cornstalk New Member

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    Not true, I've been killed in 3 bullets from a gunner under his base's bridge on Ammo Mule as a tank with full health up and silver armor. They fire so many bullets, the luck of the crit is actually what makes they rip you to shreds in under 2 seconds.

    A normal hit from that far did maybe 10% of my health, a crit bullet takes somewhere between 30 and 40% from what I can tell.

    Plus their bullets snare when deployed. Total overkill.
  18. MeltsYurFace

    MeltsYurFace New Member

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    The only way that could have happened is if he was deployed AND juiced, Gunners can only get crits while deployed and even then Ive never encountered anything along the lines of what you described.
  19. Konner

    Konner New Member

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    I've been killed in (seemingly) three bullets from a Gunner as well.
  20. Cornstalk

    Cornstalk New Member

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    Melts: I'm not saying that happens often. Infact that death seemed more like really good luck for the deployed gunner. But odds are a good gunner can get away with a safe deploy unless they're mid/close range or fearing snipers. And all it takes is one crit shot mixed in with the burst to murder lower armor classes.

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