Gunner glitch and wtf

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by Armada99, August 19, 2010.

  1. Armada99

    Armada99 New Member

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    If I run my minigun out of ammo completely, then swap to secondary, then back to primary and pull RT, the minigun will spin up and make noise but not shoot bullets. You wont automatically reload the weapon.

    Another big problem I have is lag. However the game picks host is retarded. I dont care how its fixed, it just needs to be fixed. Dumping half a mag into any enemy player or bot and no health bar shows up even though on my screen it shows hits on the little player force field. They have no problem doing damage to me though. Host migration has been mentioned.

    Support airstirkes = wtf. I've been killed by airstrikes that have been tossed on the other side of walls from me. The ability to hurl airstrikes across the map is bs also. I think the heal/hurt gun needs some kind of cooldown/reload. Seems to me the support is the griefer class from hell and increases the number of players on the field. Spawn trapped by 4 supports? Been there, done that. Overhealed jackbots? Stop the support from dropping a turret inside the spawn room too. Been griefed by pricks who block all 3 doors with turrets so their friends can win. Turret should have to redeploy every time just like the tank and gunner have to redeploy. Getting juice for standing around healing a turret? GTFO. A tank and gunner should get juice when they're deployed for standing there too.

    One more **** thing that needs to be fixed is the ability to stand over the doors of the spawn area and spawnkill the other team. I've had that happen to me a handful of times and it seems to be happening more and more and there is nothing to do about it when you have one person on top of every door.

    Excellent game though. I'm having a lot of fun playing it when I can get in some good games.
  2. jjcpockets

    jjcpockets New Member

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    Air strike is support's only serious ranged attack. The firebase isn't that tough to knock out and the hurt ray lacks significant range (but god help you if you get caught in it).

    The problem with spawn camping is that if we nerf some aspects of the pros to prevent effective spawn camping, we'll ruin ordinary game play while simply inducing them to invent more ways to spawn camp.
  3. Icy

    Icy New Member

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    Spawn camping? You spawn in a safe zone where you cant get hurt..... so I fail to understand.... I assume you are talking about just applying pressure to the enemy base like you're suppose to??? Seriously you are 100% safe when you spawn, and even if they are all over your base well then that probably mean you're about to lose anyways, but it isn't nothing like playing Call of Duty or other crap where you spawn and die within 5 secs cuz of the game. In MNC its more like your fault than the game.....

    Anyways I dont see how this is a gunner glitch? He didnt auto reload probably because you canceled it when switching weapons moron....
  4. razman360

    razman360 Member

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    Spawn camping does need to be fixed.. Even if it's just a barrier to stop enemies camping over and very close to the spawn doors. I have a friend who does this with assault or gunner and it rllyyyy annoys me...even thought 8/10 he's an ally.
  5. Dystopia

    Dystopia New Member

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    I stand on top of the enemy spawn doors and shuriken the ball when it's time to end the game, but I've never seen anyone use them for spawn camping. Usually when the other team is in my base, they're too busy with the ball to do anything else.

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