Gunner and You: Jeslijar's Brief Guide

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by Jeslijar, August 11, 2010.

  1. Jeslijar

    Jeslijar New Member

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    So you want to kill people in MNC's Crossfire mode eh?

    Well right now everyone seems to be running around as an assassin and barely going 1-1, and certainly not making a difference in the overall progression of the game (imo). I'm sure they have their uses, but i've yet to see where you'd need an assassin to kill anyone except a base camping sniper. (why not countersnipe?) but I digress!

    Gunners are an ezmode plow through newb class. If you wanted to go 10-1 or greater against newbs I have done it with this setup. Bonus: You can destroy towers better than anyone else in the game while you wait for newbs to come after you :)

    My strategy requires a custom class. You choose Gold Armor, Silver Firing Speed, and Bronze Critical Hit for your three choices.

    Armor has to be gold. Why? Assassins can kill you instantly with a grapple otherwise if you are caught unaware. When you have gold armor they can't kill you in one backstab, it gives you time to hit slam and knock them away (and likely kill them outright unless they have an armor pick of their own, which few do) The other two don't matter.

    Your primary goal for skills is getting your dual minigun as fast as possible (the character upgrade path, or down). Once you have this you are an unstoppable tool of destruction. The second goal is to max out slam (to deal with people trying to grapple you). Slam also works as an amazing tool for ring outs, if you have trouble getting them otherwise :)

    Strategy: Find anywhere that an enemy will be in medium/close range and wait for them. Patrolling a catwalk or high place is a good idea. If you are relatively near their base you can probably destroy turrets with your mortar. With the level 3 self upgrade it only takes a couple of shots to destroy all but the toughest towers.

    I prefer using the minigun on players and the Mortar on bots, but the mortar can be incredibly effective on players that are around a corner or otherwise are out of range of good damage from your minigun. I do not believe there is a faster damaging setup in the game that nearly anyone can use effectively. Since you only upgrade two skill paths you can pump tons of money into towers, spawning bots or using the annihilator.

    Don't run out when you are low on health unless you really want to die or you are sure you can kill your opponent. Cover is your best friend, if they come close you are the master of the territory, either slam the assassin/support or unload on the person with a minigun. If a sniper just won't leave you alone from his base try to go around the other side and launch mortars at him, or just stay out of his line of fire (easier said than done it seems)

    You don't have very much ammo, but for a public game where teamwork isn't great, this can stomp all over your opponents. The ammo pick just lets you fire longer, but if you get fifteen seconds of ammo and it takes two and a half seconds to kill a player - why have all that ammo? You'd probably die before you ran out anyway - so burst DPS is more important.

    Sadly, I have yet to find a good reason to deploy aside from if you want to die or you are using your juice on the moneyball (and are probably going to die anyway). I don't see the point of grappling with this setup because your primary weapon will be your minigun, which kills any class in just a couple of seconds anyway if you are close enough.

    +Mid-close range damage kills pretty much everyone instantly
    +Can destroy Towers like they are made of butter
    +Is not easily ganked by a single player

    -Getting teamed up on by a mix of ranged enemies. You can probably mow down three or four non-tank people at once, but a sniper and a couple of his friends can whittle away at you until you die.
    -No good ranged attack.
    -Can't move fast without picking up movement speed drops from enemies (who always seem to drop them!)
    -Takes a very long time to reload

    Bonus Tips: A good triple mortar round can knock more than 50% health off a non-armor enemy. Before they can get around cover you can usually finish the rest ;)

    Cover exists to save your bacon. If someone is just waiting you out, try to get away from the situation - you don't have a counter to someone waiting behind a distant spawn nest's wall.

    A full health bar is a HAPPY health bar! Don't leave cover without one!

    You can FLY! your hover does not last as long as an assault, but it is significantly better for jumping distances than pretty much anyone else that I know of.

    Thanks for reading. And thanks to Uber Entertainment for creating an amazing game :)
  2. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    You can't be grappled when deployed. Fully upgraded deploy has a face shield to prevent headshots.

    Also if two gunners end up blasting each other coming around a corner then deploy is your friend if you want to beat the other guy.
  3. metalsnake27

    metalsnake27 New Member

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    Gunner's deploy is a very useful skill... makes him very very powerful and can easily take out multiple enemies from a vantage point.
  4. Jeslijar

    Jeslijar New Member

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    an assault, sniper, or even tank can easily just sit out of reasonable range of the deploy and go to town on you. I'm sure even an assassin could waste time with the shuriken gun and outrange you.

    Mobility is life, using mortars and cover to your advantage will make you beat any gunner in one on one combat any day. That or with my build being about burst and survival... you tend to outdps them before they can outdps you. If they want to deploy, you just mortar them to death popping out of a corner - they can't stop you unless they un-deploy.

    The last time I died to a gunner using deploy was because he deployed behind me while I fought off another gunner. Two is gonna beat one if all are gunner and no one is too stupid.

    If a sniper is shooting you and you're deployed at level 3, it will stop the instant headshot kill - but you're still a sitting duck with no way to retaliate on a sniper at range. A stationary target is a dead target.

    By not relying on deploy you can bait assassins to try and knife you, and when they hit and you still have health - you can hit the magic x button and they just explode. GG.
  5. tehwalrus

    tehwalrus New Member

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    Deploy's usefulness in is in the critical damage it gets at level 2 - it greatly increases your dps, so when you're out of range or behind enemies you sahould deploy for the sneak attack, then undeploy once your clip is empty
  6. Proven

    Proven New Member

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    Deploy alone with it's critical shots make me consider making a gunner with an Accuracy perk.
  7. joshdale

    joshdale New Member

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    Agreed...accuracy can really make it fun when shooting across map while deployed/sieged. Gold Armor is a must, Silver Accuracy/Rate of Fire can rack up some long distant kills, Bronze Heath Regen can keep your health at bay.

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