Guide to stopping juice spamming assaults

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by feedle, March 1, 2013.

  1. feedle

    feedle Post Master General

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    Sick of pub assaults buying all the juice???
    Sick of them punching bots and ruining your fun?
    If the answer is yes this is the guide for you!

    First off most assaults dont upgrade skills they just buy juice right away...
    if you buy it before them and a teamate buys the other juice they have no option but to punch bots.

    Now your going to need a class which is good at defending these bots or can harm people punching the bots. Tank and the deathblossom/charge 3 are great for this.. also sniper explosive shot 3 and shooting your own color bots can help defend them. Flak, or a nice ejector. You wont be able to save all your bots and they will get a few shots in...

    So what now feedle?

    Kill them... double team them and direct your shots at them... if they get juice they are going to keep doing it until you cut the line.

    They got juice?? Well try and slow them down with a grapple infront of a turret while your teamates jump them. If that doesnt work run until it wears out. Flank them from the sides or behind.

    Buy the juice the second its up on either side! No juice means they will struggle and another thing is half of these assaults cant destroy 3.3 rockets without help from other classes. They might be able to team up and grenade launcher the heck out of them but most supports who double heal these things will keep them from being air born.

    Also keep your firebases up in places where they cant shoot and it restricts their air born movement.

    Again this guide isnt fool proof/full proof but it will help for those who actually read guides or want to troll this one.

  2. igotbannedagain

    igotbannedagain New Member

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    So dont upgrade skills, buy up all the juice, buy charge 3, buy a sh*t load of rockets, buy more juice, switch to sniper, buy passive 3, shoot your own robots, buy more rockets then switch to Tank and buy charge 3 -- all while playing with at least another teammate?

    Seems to me it would just be easier to get better.

    If you're playing against an Assault that punches robots for juice, chances are pretty good that he's terrible without it and he knows it. Just kill him.
  3. feedle

    feedle Post Master General

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    but this is to make him stay terriblle
  4. igotbannedagain

    igotbannedagain New Member

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    Feedle's Guide to Beating Terrible Kids.

    Do what they do only with a team.

    Love it!
  5. feedle

    feedle Post Master General

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    and rustclan :D
  6. igotbannedagain

    igotbannedagain New Member

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    Line by line breakdown of this guide:

    No, Gunners give me more problems.
    I'll continue reading anyway.
    Since when? Most Assaults will buy at least Passive 2, Bomb 2 and Charge 2 before buying Juice. That's $450.
    So you're saying that YOU don't upgrade skills and buy the juice yourself? That's 2 minutes into the match - figuring for $50 every 30 seconds. I have seen plenty of Assaults with juice at the ready WAY before the 2 minute mark. Also, you are under-leveled as compared to everyone else on the other team, so you are more likely to die/feed the enemy.
    So after not upgrading skills, buying juice and doing who-knows-what with it, you buy charge 3? You just spent $1050 to stop a bot punching Assault.
    Same as previous comment, but even more expensive. Sniper explosive shots, Flak 3 and ejector = total cost of $1150 + the cost of buying Juice before he does = $1650.
    Can't wait.
    Why wouldn't you just do that in the first place? It would be WAY more cost-effective.
    Now we're turtling against Juice-chaining Assaults?

    You're also talking about 4-5 classes in one scenario. That's a pretty big party to be having problems with a juice-spamming Assault.
    So you want your firebase somewhere that is up high instead of in bot lanes where the Assault that you're describing gains much of his juice? I don't know about that...
    I'll troll this one. Thank you very much.

  7. feedle

    feedle Post Master General

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    go out and try what i mention and see what happens then
  8. igotbannedagain

    igotbannedagain New Member

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    I tried it. Got bored and just beat them the normal way.

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