Guide For Those Who Seek Metal

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by bengeocth, September 15, 2014.

  1. bengeocth

    bengeocth Post Master General

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    Just a few tips as to how to play a low income game.

    Starting on a planet that doesn't have much metal can be stressful, even overwhelming. The same principles of gameplay apply.

    Take as much as you can. Remember, not every game is the same, not all of them will have floods of units. But as long as you outproduce your opponent, you will win.

    Build mini-bases to protect your mexes. In these types of games, mexes will flip from player to player, but if you have factories and dozens of units and turrets nearby, that might be a bit harder.

    Don't feel distraught over the fact that there is not much metal. That means your opponent will have a tough time too. Take advantage of this by raiding and taking the scraps! If there are enemy mexes, don't be afraid to call them yours! Send in the dox and take care of them, bringing up a steady fabber team (include anti-air to fan away bombers) to create a small proxy base.

    Get out there Commanders, and be sure to chew bubblegum while you play.

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