Anyone else notice when multiple gremlins spawn they all seem to group up? I just finished a game with over 20 gremlins attacking our base. By the time we killed half the Assassin had spawned more (i am guessing). Its hard enough to kill a small group but when they all joint not only does the games frame rate drop, your bases turrets cant do anything. Either they need to fix it so the turrets can shoot and hit these guy after their cloaks are gone or make a spawn limit to these suckers.
not nerfing just stating the gremlins seem immune to turret fire. this should be looked at. the first part was a rant but the real issue was the fact that turrets shoot at the gremlins but never seem to hit them. This also happens in Blitz mode. Edit: what do you mean more?
They go for the moneyball then, I've watched them do it! I don't really see any big problem with gremlins though, just let your bot killing specialists know you're having a problem and let them handle it.
Well in Blitz they go after the moneyball. Never noticed them go after the moneyball in Crossfire though. Only see them just run around the turrets or just run around.
As mentioned, tank obliterates gremlins. Go play scramble as a tank and spin vs gremlins. They don't stand a chance.