Gremlin Rush?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Hiero Glyph, October 8, 2010.

  1. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    So I was playing a game tonight against some known players and their team had three Assassins. My friend and I thought nothing of it but realized that there were suddenly dozens of Gremlins being sent to our base on a regular basis. The problem is that they basically bypassed our bot lanes and turrets and ran directly towards the Moneyball. Needless to say they dropped the Moneyball without ever pushing a Slim or Blackjack into our base and we were unable to recover.

    The next game I resigned myself to playing a Tank and holding off the Gremlin waves initially. It took around five minutes but we finally took over the area outside their spawn and stopped them from spawning too many more. We did win this match but again our only recourse we had was to camp a Tank in the base to ensure that the Gremlins were unable to bypass all of our defenses.

    To be honest my only issue is that if cloaked, Gremlins will bypass your turrets and take down the Moneyball while any other bot will have the turrets shooting at them first. This seems rather cheap and ignores the entire concept of lane pushing. Is this really what was intended or is it simply a side effect of Gremlins remaining cloaked until they attack and having them prioritize the Moneyball if no Pros are on the ground level? Regardles something needs to be done to fix this by at least giving the turrets a chance to shoot them before they can drop the Moneyball. When was the last time a Bouncer dropped the Moneyball?
  2. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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    Gremlin spam with 3 assassins is what happens at 4AM when the pubs you keep facing literally die to just gremlins lmfao
    Couple of us were just goofing off as usual

    They are fine, as you pointed out all it takes to stop them is ONE person with a brain.

    also, 3 assassins = a lot less turrets
    Grems also kill turrets, 3 waves can easily drop both spawn lvl1rocket turrets with no outside help
    It's not like they were just waltzing in non stop the whole match past a base full of turrets

    No problem with grems if your team is pushing bots and playing objective instead of camping the upper decks playing tdm. jus sayin' :roll:
  3. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    Here is the priority list for DA GRAYM LENZ:
    1. People on the ground
    2. Turrets
    3. Moneyball

    If no one stays on the ground, da graym lenz will kill the turrets, then the money ball.
  4. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    I'm always amazed people seem to have so much trouble with Gremlins.

    that being said, I enjoy the kills when people do.

  5. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    Someone should always be defending the base. If you don't know anyone on your team, you just volunteered. Either spam Death Blossom or heal/hack turrets while acting as a dummy so they'll decloak.

    It happens. I've seen a Scrambler drop the shields on GrenADE III.
  6. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    I hate those little ankle biters. The SMG is useless against them so I either have to snipe them at point blank while running backwards or toss a trap, run a stupid little circle to lead them into it and hit them with flak. Whenever I come up against someone that is regularly spawning them I end up spending a significant portion of the game just fighting them off.
  7. Manouso

    Manouso New Member

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    Yeah I swear they wear bullet proof armor. Even the AR takes a while to kill em.
    The Assault can at least charge into them, but a sniper is almost helpless against em.
    They're kinda like little mine sweepers for traps too haha.
  8. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    Was this on grenade III when you went tank? If it was, you killed me with the most clutch deploy I've ever seen at one point. Sure it was 4 am and I was raging pretty hard at your ice trap camping sniper who was standing on lower the side ledges of the bridges just spamming explosive rounds preventing any kind of push whatsoever (legit but annoying :p), and your gunner who ran into our base twice and used juice to bring the money ball's shields down (not legit :()...

    But your tank play WAS pretty great. :) I felt I partially redeemed myself after crowd controlling you for a good portion of your juice and possibly actually killing you at the end if I remember correctly, and using a pretty insane series of jumps to FINALLY get to Pac and kill him before he got to use his juice, but my extremely negative score and resulting loss without touching your objective disagreed with me. :p

    One of our players had been Gremlin spamming for a few games, can't recall his name at the moment, but one game he ended up with 15 assists and 5 kills, despite our team's total kills not exceeding 10, and the game only lasted about 2 mins because the grems killed the moneyball.

    On topic: As people said, the grims will only target the money ball if there are no available pros or turrets. Bolt and I generally travel with the initial wave of gremlins and help them bring down the turrets quickly. If there is no pro resistance, they will take it down. Gapshots will take the money ball down doing the same thing (though they generally have to make it to the other-side of the map first since they will target bots in addition to turrets and pros. )
  9. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    All I have to say is Shave-Ice turrent...
  10. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    1 explosive shot kills a group though.
  11. tlbww

    tlbww New Member

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    The hell are you talking about? The smg chews gremlins. Of course, lvl 3 passive will rape them them too. Ice traps... flak... juice taunt =).

    I've gold RoF and silver clip, so the gremlins aren't much of problem for me. But 2 waves of them... that's a bit much for an unarmored sniper.

    Shaveice ftw.
  12. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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    And so does a single lvl2 flak
    right stick melee 1 shots them as well

    grems are mad weak
  13. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    List of reasons I like Gremlins: #231: Pisses off Snipers.
  14. rudigarmc

    rudigarmc New Member

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    I like buzzers for the same reason.
  15. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Buzzers are annoying period, haha. It's hard to look up at Buzzers and try to shoot them before they attack/damage me.
  16. rudigarmc

    rudigarmc New Member

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    Which is why I spam buzzers when snipers are dug in.
  17. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    Yeah, it was an interesting game and my friend was the ice trap camping sniper while I was the tank. Of course with any random player match there will always be cheater or players trying to exploit a glitch; even one of your Assassins was speed glitching.

    What is interesting is that I ran a few tests yesterday to see how the Eliminator bots prioritize targets and here is what I found...

    Gremlins: Spawning 3 Gremlin spawns in a private match had them run past all of the advancing bots, take down both turrets and the Moneyball and still have 9-10 of them remaining.

    Bouncers: Spawning 3 Bouncers in a private match had them bypass all of the advancing bots, take down a single turret on the side where I spawned 2 of them and then watched their path-finding AI get stuck. Of course the first Bouncer was destroyed by the turret and the second (which was alone on that side) died as well. Only the third destroyed the turret and became 'stuck' due to poor AI.

    Scramblers: All 3 Scramblers were killed by the oncoming Slims and Blackjacks. Two of the three did manage to advance past the oncoming bots a group or so while the third simply became stuck behind the friendly bots. Again, simply worthless in most situations and their AI path-finding is among the worst.

    Gap Shots: Spawning 3 of these was the only other Eliminator bot that actually dropped the Moneyball. The Gap Shots engaged the oncoming bots if within range, the turrets if not and slowly moved all the way up to the Moneyball where they became worthless. I never once saw them actually attack the Moneyball directly but the waves of bots that they pushed did manage to take it down for them.

    Buzzers: These simply attacked the oncoming bots directly and a few became stuck on various map obstacles. Still not the worst path-finding AI but not great either. They did manage to kill a few enemy bots though but never even touched the turrets or Moneyball.

    The result is that only the Gremlins are capable of this trick. Bouncers could possibly manage it but it would take 2-3 times as many. Gap Shots are the best overall bot though and their slow speed and high range actually benefits them in most cases. The rest are situational at best and Scramblers are simply garbage. Still, this hardly feels like a balanced effort if only one set of bots can bypass the lanes efectively.
  18. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    This is a very interesting test. I would recommend running it again and put enemy pros in different lanes to see what they do. IE: How far will they deviate from the lanes to go after pros, will they reverse directions, will they lap the map, etc. I would think gremlins would only prioritize turrets and the ball if there were no nearby/reachable pros. If this is the case, I'm okay with it reducing the value of top control in a few maps (grenade III, Lazer Razor) and forcing pros to get in the lanes more. :)
  19. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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    idk why you are complaining about gremlins, if a team ignores them, turrets die, ball drops, you lose

    Guess what happens if a team ignores a single assassin?
    I can do way more damage to a base then some gremlins w/o spending anything.

    The point I'm trying to convey here I guess is
    If you ignore your base and the lanes, an assassin will drop the turrets and ball.
    Gremlins just make my job a tiny bit easier vs bad teams
  20. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    And that's why gremlins are the second best bot spawn. Gapshots are the best just because they can nuke turrets so quickly from far away. I really hope they adjust the gremlin behavior so that this little trick goes away.

    I Wholeheartedly agree. It would make sense if gremlins could only attack the ball while they are not cloaked.

    I've seen it once in all the games I've played. It may have happened and I didn't see it, but bouncers are vastly inferior to gremlins and gapshots. A laser eye beam attack would be a nice start for bouncers. Even when you could make 4 in the blink of an eye they just didn't do much of anything.

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