I watched the kickstarter campaign, crossing my fingers the whole time hoping this game would get funded. (a few previous projects failed despite my desire for the to succeed). I had never pledged before so i didnt know anything about it. In the months since then, ive learned how these things work and have now got active pledges with a couple of great projects. I regret not pledging back when that was still going, but i just now did the next best thing. I pre ordered my $60 copy (alpha access does not interest me nor does a digital art book). Now, i cannot wait for the next 4-7 months to pass by so that i can get into this game! (kind of odd how a pre order fully charged my card already, but i guess that is how they want it)
I have had many many pre orders in the past. The most ive ever been charged is a $30 deposit on a pre order over $100. And then i wasnt charged the remainder until a week or so before release. I does not really matter to me that much, i just found it rather odd to be charged in full the day i pre ordered it.
Don't forget that pre-orders are helping to fund the game as well. Also most pre-orders are done via retailer, where they only care that you'll come back so they don't care if you pay in part or in full, so long as you end up paying in full. Mike
Steam calls it 'pre purchase' these days instead of pre order. You can find several examples in the Steam store: http://store.steampowered.com/
paying up front for a pre-order? xD I didn't knew that has been invented by now. Well for PA I happily pledged a year in advance.