Great Game But...

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by TheMC, August 20, 2010.

  1. TheMC

    TheMC New Member

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    Let me start off by saying that the developers did an amazing job balancing the classes in this game for the most part. This game is the bar at which class balance should be measured. However I have a few minor gripes and one big gripe. I should probably mention that I play pretty much only as an Assassin or Gunner but I have tried all classes.

    Ok first is grappling, specifically as an assassin. The one thing I hate more than anything as an assassin is when you grapple someone and they don't die. Yes I know grappling from behind is much more effective than the front but with a gold or silver armor endorsement you can survive an assassination from behind. What pisses me off even more is when right after you dismount the grapple they either counter grapple you, jet charge you, or ground pound. Now this usually doesn't kill me because I run a custom Assassin class with a gold armor endorsement, but it is rather annoying because now my cover is blown and and I have low health, and armor endorsement or not assassins have low health to begin with. Also, it's not like I can just not attack people with gold or silver armor endorsements because there is no physical difference and you don't know if they have a custom class or not until you grapple them and realize "Oh **** he isn't dead..." So here are my thoughts as to how to fix this. Either A) Have the person be stunned for just a second after they are grappled B) make the assassins grapple from behind and instant kill no matter what if the are fully upgraded (have the sword instead of the dagger) or C) Dismount the grapple to the side so that Tanks or Assaults can't just mash the charge button as soon as the grapple animation starts.

    I don't mind that the cloak makes a sound when it's running because people are usually to busy to hear it anyway. I don't mind that you aren't totally invisible and that where you are is distorted. What I do mind is that you glow after being shot, rendering your cloak useless. I'm not saying take it out completely because it prevents the Assassin from being too hard to kill, but it is extremely frustrating when you are hit by a stray bullet from a turret or robot or pro that wasn't even meant for you while you are cloaked and now everyone and their grandmother can see you. You should have to take a bit of damage before you actually become visible.

    Freeze Traps
    These are annoying and when used by a sniper with half a brain render him untouchable. There is only one thing more annoying than a good sniper and that is a good sniper surrounded by 2 or 3 freeze traps. When there is a sniper pinning your team down, an Assassin is really the only hope to take him out because of the cloak. However the Assassin can't do an ounce of damage unless he or she is up close and personal with the target (the shuriken gun is a joke and is only good for quickly finishing off enemies who are out of the range of you sword or knife). So if you are trying to get up close to a sniper and suddenly you are frozen in place and all h has to do is swing around and pop you in the head like a minor inconvenience and then throw down another freeze trap it becomes a bigger problem then one sniper really should be. To fix this I don't think the freeze traps should actually freeze you in place. They should act more like mini shave ice turrets where they slow you down and give you that blue aura (so you can see cloaked assassins) but being stuck in place is a bit much.

    And now the big one...

    The whole support class
    I don't know where to being here. I hate this class. I hate when they build gap shots right off the bat and kill your turrets before they are even built. I hate when they surround your base with firebases. I hate when they stand behind their firebases with their little heal gun so you can't kill their firebases. I hate when they stand behind their firebases with their gun that doesn't require aiming and mash the jump button so you can't hit them but their invinsible firebases and their drain gun that they don't even have to aim can most definitely hit you. I hate when they stick their air strike beacon to you right after surviving a grapple. I hate that their air strike beacon can even be stuck to you in the first place. I hate that they can hack your teams turrets. Everything about this class is just annoying. There isn't even something minor that can be done to fix it. The whole class needs to either be taken out or seriously nerfed.
  2. FreaKuencykilla

    FreaKuencykilla New Member

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    These are not issues with the game. These are hurdles in your gaming style you need to get over. Get to it.
  3. TheMC

    TheMC New Member

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    I don't really see your point. I don't see how being accidently hit with a bullet, not killing someone with a grapple from behind, or being frozen in place are anything I can do anything about. It's kind of out of my hands at a point.

    I'm not saying the game is broken or that I don't like it, I love it and 9/10 games I go positive K/D (which is something to be said for me because I can't say that about most shooters) I'm just listing things that frustrate me.
  4. FreaKuencykilla

    FreaKuencykilla New Member

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    That's my point. They were purposefully put there to balance the classes out. You have to learn to smoke bomb over the ice traps or shuriken launcher them. They are there to even the playing field for the guy who has no peripheral vision. I dont even play either of these classes I just know a balanced game when I play one.
  5. FiercelyFuzzy

    FiercelyFuzzy New Member

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    Are you kidding me? Don't go straight for the grapple, weaken them first, or look for weaker people. Don't run in front of bullet! smoke bomb jump behind people. Look for traps! You CAN see them! They are ALWAYS around a sniper, don't go for one if you can't get by traps.
  6. SushiBomb

    SushiBomb New Member

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    I have a workaround: Stop trying to grapple Tanks. Don't even try unless you can get behind a deployed one (and wail on him until he's forced to stand). As an assassin, you should probably even avoid looking at Tanks.
  7. FiercelyFuzzy

    FiercelyFuzzy New Member

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    NO! Tell him to grapple tanks! I love when noob Assassins try to do that to me. One Death Blosom and their dead.
  8. Ethan8-bit

    Ethan8-bit New Member

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    I'd hate to see what a Sniper can do if he has a full functioning brain!

    Silliness aside, this is completely avoidable. Check the ground/walls for a Sniper's trap. They hum, kinda like the Assassin's cloak. When fighting a Sniper up close, ALWAYS EXPECT a freeze trap.

    The freeze traps are perfectly fine the way they are.

    The bolded part. Honestly, the Assassin is a class that relies on stealth and cunning to get the upper-hand on enemies. NOT having this certain mechanic on her makes things horrid for other players. Just avoid the line of fire, sneak behind pros, and do your thing.

    And The Support has his little perks like everyone else. Nothing wrong with having the wit and cunning to go up to an enemy turret and hack it! He's rewarded with a hacked turret or a DESTROYED hacked turret! Just gotta pull off a counter.
  9. razman360

    razman360 Member

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    Grapple:B many times B. I think the assassin should kill any class from behind, because that's wat she does.

    Cloak: it isn't rly a problem, but a small reduction at how long the cloak is disabled for would be welcomed :)

    Freeze traps: u can actually jump over them without even using smoke bombs, but u can use smoke bombs to take routes to the sniper that he wasn't expecting, thus avoiding the traps. Btw, I think lvl 1 traps act as a shavelice ;)

    Shuriken launcher: This gun is so overrated, specifically on stationary targets. One or two clips will down a lighter class, but a heavy class (with endorsements too) may take another one or two. The only problem is hitting them, but a stationary sniper shouldn't really be a problem. I sport rate of fire with my assassin class, which makes my trusty blade shooter pretty powerful. Might be worth just trying an assassin class with RoF gold, Crits silver and bronze accuracy to practice and you'll be surprised how powerful it is ;)

    Support: I disagree. If someone was defending the base, the turret wouldn't of been hacked. You just need to be more aware of airstrikes ;P Firebases perhaps need a health or damage reduction?
  10. fake

    fake New Member

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    For. real.

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