Gravity Tugging

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by thefreemon, June 17, 2013.

  1. thefreemon

    thefreemon Member

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    The question being: How far will Uber take the physics of the engine? Or better: How far can they[we] push the physics of the engine?

    Why? Well... I was here wondering if something like gravity tugging could be a thing or even a viable gameplay element. What is gravity tugging? you park a satellite next to a passing asteroid and its mass tugs on the asteroid changing its orbit slightly which might mean it hits the planet much later in game. Consider it a long term kinetic bombardment.

    It's actually something real science is talking about! And something that could be interesting to see in game. Maybe even made available with a specific designed tug satellite. If it goes according to the initial visualisation by Uber, we will have engines we can build on asteroids, for a rapid surprise kinetic bombardment (If there's even such thing). Why not a cheaper Tug Satellite for a much delayed bombardment? or simply to change an asteroid's orbit to make it easier to mine, or to deny an enemy from its resources. It can also be used to tug it away from harms way while you secretly build epic engines on its far side.

    This makes me ask another question... What kind of alerts are planned for kinetic bombardments?

    the options that come to mind:
    Sexy John Patrick Lowrie's Voice saying "Kinetic Bombardment Detected!"
    And...that's it, really.
    I can't think of anything else.

    All feedback is welcome!
  2. Ortikon

    Ortikon Active Member

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    I remember in a live stream, Jon mentioned very briefly that he was very surprised with where the gravity physics where going. Apparently somebody is working on something worth presenting. Whether this passes approval or not has been quiet and I dont think they want to shoot out any promises until it is proven an efficient and fun feature in the game. I am sure a level of realism will be there but with limitations to make the game playable, fair, and fun. Even Kerbal Space Program has a lock on its physics to a degree so that the game is still fun. We wont be seeing Universe Sandbox in PA, and to be honest that could get a little out of hand (as much as that is the intention bahahaha).

    Hopefully we will see planets getting knocked into others or their moons collapsing into their parent planet. Things like orbital units will probably be locked onto their level of gameplay almost as if a higher up ground unit and perhaps even if planets break apart that a portion of the destruction is pre-animated. Only time will tell.
  3. Ralith

    Ralith Member

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    Now I want to see planets breaking apart into playable asteroids with surface constructions intact.

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