Got some other game ideas for PA

Discussion in 'Mod Discussions' started by jeppe805, October 3, 2013.

  1. jeppe805

    jeppe805 New Member

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    sorry for bad english....

    1# Space Telescope.
    A Telescope that's in - orbit of the planet you spawned on. the telescope can find another solar system and then you can fx. sent your commander to the new solar system and then build a base on one of the planets in the solar system....

    2# Space Travel at the speed of light.
    What if you could sent a a Thing into orbit (thinking of that in star wars) that if you sent an Astreaus to that thing that is in orbit of the planet and then the Astreaus and the thing can stick together and then after some time the Thing that is in orbit of the planet will travel at the speed of light to another planet in another solarsystem.

    3#Mabye a Better texture for the Advanced Rader satelite xD

    4#Undergraound Viachels (Ps. Sorry for bad english... Again!)
    Just like the Bots, planes, cars or what ever it is and the ships and subs but with the Underground viachle (it has a drill in front of it) you can dig down underground and build just like the other bots and cars and planes can build.... just underground but it is just an idea.

    Sorry for Bad english i know but still Hope you liked these one and also check out my other ideas

    Hope you like it and feedback if you liked it or if you didn't.

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