Good class combos for teams?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Strategy and Tactics' started by CrancK, January 12, 2011.

  1. CrancK

    CrancK New Member

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    Although i know, in pubs theres no teamwork, so atm this would be quite hypothetical, but still, what would be good team makeups?

    personally if i look at other shooters, i see speed + damage always winning out, making me fear that the tank&gunner might not be as usefull, if people play as teams

    with that idea of speed + damage, i would think that a team consisting of:
    1or2 assasin(s)
    1 support
    and 3 or 4 assaults

    would be preferable, obviously this might sound crazy/loony style, but hear me out.

    the support is there for healing+overhealing
    1 assasin for bot killing and turret killing (+sniper killing/harrasment if no 2nd assasin)
    if 2nd assasin, his job is to kill sniper and or support
    assaults simply go for player kills in a wolf pack + are the main tool for downing moneyball safely (bomb lvl3 does about 999damage to moneyball, meaning if you have 4 assaults, 2.5 bombs each)

    obviously no heavy classes because they would be too slow, and it would compromise the ability to move as a gang, no sniper, because so far, although they are good at control, they don't really seem able to attack the enemy base...

    so ye.... what do you guys think? i mean, i may be gravely mistaken, and i'd love to get teams going and try this stuff out, but for now, speculation is fun :p, no?
  2. AmazeTheory

    AmazeTheory New Member

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  3. OD78891

    OD78891 New Member

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  4. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    Yes, probably would be effective. Many games, where my team has been totally and utterly bumrushed, consisted of many Assaults. Snipers and Supports were in those games and were painful enough for me not to enjoy, not sure if Assassins were used because I play Tank and eat Assassins for breakfast.
  5. CrancK

    CrancK New Member

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    ye, the assasin in this team make up should never be bothered with pro killing, thats stuff for the wolfpack, they go about killing all the pros while being buffed by the support, while the assasin keeps the lanes clear, ideally this brings the bots to the enemy since pro's and bots "should" be dead or busy (which i think will be the hardest part in team games actually, since bots are sooo fragile, yet they are the only thing thatll down the shields)

    also, assault bomb lvl3 jump (+possible charge/fly) gets you across any map from spawn to spawn except grenade III, and i'm pretty sure with some practice i'll be able to make that too, so whenever the shields do down, the assault can get there from anywhere up to top ring in under 2-3 sec :p

    (ohw, also, steel peel im not sure if you can jump from spawn to spawn since i can't seem to get ontop of the thing, but i'll try jumping round it :p)
  6. Vleessjuu

    Vleessjuu New Member

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    I'd say that nearly every team makup that has no more than 2 of every class and has merit (unless is's something stupid like 2 Sins, 2 Snipers, 2 Support). More than 2 assaults is fine, though. It also depends what you're up against. A team heavy on tanks and gunners should not go against a team heavy on snipers. Spreading out classes evenly gets the job done rather well, in my experience. You're prepared for pretty much everything that way.
  7. Rammite

    Rammite New Member

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    And only assassins that all gang up and take turns face-stabbing one pro at a time.
  8. Mibuwolf

    Mibuwolf New Member

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    As I have discussed with others before, this is something that should vary map-to-map.

    Steep Peel is an excellent sniping map and should have 1-2 snipers in it. Otherwise your plan is pretty good.
  9. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    I agree that you really can't have too many assaults but it is very easy to have too many Assassins and Gunners. Anything over 2 Supports is way too many because chances are, one of the extra supports wont be doing much. It's funny how beneficial having 4 assaults on a team can be :) .

    The best 2 man combos imo are Tank/Support, Gunner/Support, and Assault/Assault. That goes for every map but Steel peel where Snipers dominate. People need to learn how well the Assault does in a Support role. As a Support, I would much rather have an Assault with me then another Support even though I don't get the health boosts.

    My dream Team would consist of:

    1 Support
    2 Assaults
    1 Assassin
    1 Gunner
    1 Tank

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