Today I decided to mess around in a few pub games with gold accuracy tank. My build was Acc/Armor/Skill Recovery. I know some of you are thinking, "OMG! That is so STUPID!!!", but I tried it, and I have to say it has some advantages. If you can play armorless tank, I would suggest Accuracy/RoF/Skill Recovery, but armorless tank is not my playstyle. Anyway, on to my observations. I have noticed that the standard tank build, RoF/Armor/Skill Regen, lacks some hit detection. In several games, my jet flame has clearly hit someone and it does no damage, nor does it light them on fire. Gold accuracy fixes that issue. It also extends your jet gun flame a bit as well. I used deploy to juice off of lazer blazers and wreak havoc on the base. I ended up going 23-8 that game, which is good for me (my usual games as tank are usually 8 to 12 kills with at least 5 deaths). The jet gun is greatly improved with gold accuracy. It almost ends up being a mid-range weapon at that point. I am not sure, but I also believe accuracy increases your death blossom size. My Railgun lacked RoF, but its hit detection was greatly improved. I was able to push the enemy team across the map and back into their base with a combination of the jet gun and the rail gun. The Jet gun with gold accuracy works great for tagging an opponent with a little flame to get them to back off. The rail gun was extremely accurate. Being able to dual with a sniper on the opposite side of steel peel was pretty hilarious, imo. I had that sniper healing up in his base all game. Anyway, I encourage some of you to try Gold accuracy tank. If you don't like it for its realistic capabilities, at least try it for its novelty. I had fun giving the average assault a scare at mid-range.
My only skepticism comes from the fact that latency can affect how you feel about your jet gun hitbox. Well, people have already praised the hit detection on the rail gun with accuracy, but an improvement on jet gun? I remain skeptical of that. But if you're talking about it, I guess I have nothing to lose if I try it myself.
I'm going to have to try this later when I get on I hope it is better, I'm so tired of assassins running away and living after I charge them because my jet didn't do damage to them
So I just did a simple test in local blitz with my husband and the length is unchanged. Though I can't say if it improves hit detection. We both got tanks but one of us had the gold accuracy and we faced of each other and slowly walked forward until we could hit each other. We hit at the same time so no, the length is the same :cry:
IMO the fact that it doesn't help the jet gun makes gold acc just not a viable option. Gold rof with bronze acc is just reallly rounds out the tank better.
I just did some testing myself. Accuracy does not increase jet flame length. However, it does improve hit detection as I found out yesterday. I do believe that the best unarmored tank build would be RoF/Skill Regen/Accuracy because the accuracy will improve hit detection and you can use your skills more often. Accuracy will improve hit detection for fact. I have had several games where I have hit an enemy with my jet gun and it has not lit them on fire. With accuracy endorsements, it will almost always light.
Very true, when playing unarmored tank, I think the only way to go is Rate, Acc, Clip. So you can actually hit Assault consistantly, and have a few extra shots in case you miss.
Hit detection on the jet gun can be hilariously awful with or without accuracy. (I always run at least bronze.) The other day, I couldn't damage a firebase with my jetgun. Even when I shot it while juiced, it did no damage. Only my rail gun and product grenade worked on it. It was bizarre, to say the least.
Funny you should mention that, my friend Phil shot a butt load of juiced shurikens at my firebase once to no avail.
It only takes Bronze - I've been testing out a reload speed/armour/Accuracy build. Great for bots & non-heavies - blossom, charge, reload, blossom. Good crowd control is needed though. But I didn't notice a hit-detection difference from gold to bronze so I run bronze.
Instead of running Gold Accuracy to "improve hit detection" with the Jet Gun, you should probably just go pull host. Gold Acc is a waste of an endorsement slot.
Not to be unofficial mod or to say this topic isn't a good one, but I think this is more strategy/tactics related. If you don't agree, I apologize. I've seen some silly jet lengths and then gold accuracy. I've been meaning to give it a try. I just love my Gold RoF rail gun so much.