In Supreme Commander if you had too much of a resource (overflow) and an ally's storage wasn't full your extra resources would be sent to him/her. Personally I don't see why this couldn't be in PA as an option. Your thaughts?
I think it should be the default setting. Unless you are playing with dynamic alliances where you can break and form alliances.
If automatic resource sharing doesn't exist, it's going to be optimal play to keep sending otherwise wasted resources anyway.
Only if the player is given a clear indication of how much of his resources are from some teammate. In FA you can basically live of a teammate and not notice it until he is using all his resources by himself.
Supcom had a neat sharing system, but it was basically impossible to know what your income was vs. their sharing. If the ally stops overflowing, you'll be stalling soon after. If you're overflowing, it's impossible to see if the allies are getting anything. It was very confusing and opaque. TA had a much better system. Even though it wasn't pure resource streaming, you could plainly see the resource surges when you were sending or receiving from an ally. That little "+setsharemetal" limit also lets you see when everyone is overflowing on resources, (since you see the bar stop sending anything) which is an incredibly good thing to know.
Yeah I definitely miss +setShareMetal 1000 Just a little thing that communicated everything you needed to know about what you were sharing with your ally. Use that, plus an indicator for resources being shared with you, and it'd be perfect.