It's just a little something I noticed that I'd like to have changed, despite it having no impact on the gameplay at all. The assault is a leader, a teamplayer. He assumes his chances of winning the match are 100%, even when the enemy money ball is at 100% and shielded while his own team's money ball is down and at 5%. He speaks in a way to let you know he means business (Stand aside, I take large steps!), it's noticeable that he's full of himself (I smell VICTORY... *sniff*... and winter mint), and yet he still advises others (they can't handle the full force of how awesome we are, keep pressing!). The tank seems a bit sad, but he keeps talking to himself in a "look at the sunny side" sorta way (I thought I'd ran outta luck, but I didn't even have any to begin with!). It's noticeable that he knows he can get things done easily, but he underestimates his chances. The gunner is a surfer, a dreamy type of guy. He constantly throws around surfer slang (waaay sick! ... Shakaaa!). Just the things he says express his personality. The support is a slightly fat italian guy who seems to have put up a lot of wisdom in his life, but doesn't seem to be able to really express his wisdom. "The water that supports the jetski, is the same that engulfs it" could really mean anything. It could mean "don't get overconfident", or it could just be nonsense. He seems slightly off though, judging from the way he shouts in excitement under certain conditions. He's not batshit insane like the sniper, but shouting "HOOHOOHOOOOO" while slapping a robot in the face with a gun doesn't really seem normal. The sniper seems, as I just said, batshit insane. In reality though, the way he behaves makes perfect sense. The sniper is dedicated to being an entertainer of the crowd. He could just shove his smg or rifle into someone's face and pull the trigger, but instead, he makes a show of it, throwing his smg into someone and catching it as it ricochets off his victim, or pretending his rifle is a golf club. Everything he does is purely for the crowd, the attention. And the assassin? Nothing. Just a bunch of grunts. In fact, she has no voice lines AT ALL. The one thing she has closest to a voice line is when she giggles after a support heals her. There's just nothing. I'm not saying the assassin should constantly be talking about whatever comes to mind, but a few voice lines would be nice. Maybe some words of wisdom, like "learn to pick your fights" when killing someone after a frontal grapple, or something similar.