Giga Battles and TeamArmies

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by Corpserule, October 10, 2013.


Like the System above?

  1. Nah

    1 vote(s)
  2. I love it!

    1 vote(s)
  3. I'd like larger games, but I don't think its going to happen

    0 vote(s)
  4. Id like to have my friends added to the game, but under a different system

    1 vote(s)
  1. Corpserule

    Corpserule Member

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    This is a request/question for further down the track, but i am interested in

    I've heard that once the games in release and more developed you would want to make larger battles with players among many different planets, each looking to win their own planet, going to orbital and then fighting other players who similarly won their own planet, etc etc. until massive empires are made

    I was hoping if there could be a system implemented for adding players to your team army as the game continues and mass management becomes an even large issue. It would be cool to be invited to a larger game in an effort to further the goals of one players empire

    I was thinking of whenever you defeat a player, you could add a player from your friends list (i know it doesnt exist yet) to your team. What would you think of that system & is it still your plan to create games that large? I would be looking forward to it.

    Edit: Ops the title is directing the wrong way
  2. mushroomars

    mushroomars Well-Known Member

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    This is the way the engine is currently designed. Uber has set a goal at 40 players per game, and I believe they can reach it. Joining mid-game will be a necessary feature that has been planned from the very beginning.

    However servers can only handle so many connections at once; past a certain point the bandwith starts to choke, and you will start getting timeouts and several second-long stuttering. PA hasn't been entirely bandwith optimized, but it already fills its Internet pipes as much as it can, and we're playing on relatively small systems with 10 players max. Playing with more than 40 players could result in serious instability.

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