Getting MoneyBalls down on PMs

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by choiio, January 4, 2012.

  1. choiio

    choiio New Member

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    The assassin can do this on his own, but its hard if the other team is paying attention to the bots (most matches). So what needs to happen is when the assassin calls for help because he almost has bots in, go over there if you are a gunner or tank and kill the people so bots can walk in. This is much more efficient if you have juice.
    Today we could have won so many mor matches if we could have done this (Im guilty of not doing it too) so I will also change that.
    Another thing THE ANNY! the biggest gamechanger.
    Be calling out how much more time till it is up so the assassin can be there, also as an assassin if they dont call it out you ask them.
    Just because the assassin is suposed to get the ANNY does not mean you cant help her.
    Support: Airstrikes on it
    Assault: Keep a bomb on it for the enemy assassin (or anyone really)
    Sniper: Icetraps around it (you can put it on it but it will be too late, they will get it)
    Gunner/Tank: Slay and keep enemys away of it.
    If your assassin is dead when its up anyone try to get it.
    Another thing I will like to touch on: If their whole enemy team is camping the ANNY, the assassin can try to get it but he may not be succesfull so please dont blame it on him that he was supposed to get the ANNY (no map control, less chances of ANNY). You might be able to pull a 1v6 tho :) so far Ive only seen 1 guy do it.

    If you are lazy here a brief summary:
    Help assassin push bots in when she calles for assistance.
    Try to keep mapcontrol so its easier to get the ANNY.
    Dont blame the assassin for not being able tu pull a 1v6.
  2. joker

    joker Active Member

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    the amazing success to getting the moneyball down:
    what you need: a tank (with juice helps alot) and a slayer with juice
    what you do: this is easiest with at least 2 blackjacks per botspawn, so after the first jackbot. when your team has the upper hand on map control, the tank walks with a group of bots, destroying any that spawn ahead of him. the tank keeps an eye out for the enemy assassin, the juiced slayer (gunner, assault, sniper, in that order of preference) keeps an eye out for the tank. as soon as you reach the about the 10-12 second mark (the distance u estimate it will take your bots 10ish seconds to reach the ball) the slayer pops juice, immediaately killing the tank then hunting for the sniper to rid any potential ice traps, flak, or explosive damage. once those two are dead, kill everything else in sight, all the while the tank is walking with the bots waiting to charge/deathblossom the enemy assassin should they get close. during this time the rest of your team should be dealing with the gunner hopefully, if not the juiced slayer involved needs to keep an eye out for him and use best judgement in dealing with him with your juice and still eradicating enemy bot killers/stallers

    this is the best play to get the ball down, but unfortunately the tank talent pool is pretty thin these days and most maps are won on gremlins or a tremendously overwhelming amount of juice chaining from the entire team. most of the better/smarter tank players are people who main front line slayer classes, and most people pop juice as soon as they have it to pad their stats rather than sit on it and use it if NEEDED (as in regaining map control or pushing bots in) the next time i have a tank on my team who does nothing but sit at 1/4 map position railgunning botlanes i will break your legs and burn your house down with you inside
  3. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    If you learned anything from the OP you are obviously a mexican.
  4. murkyx727

    murkyx727 New Member

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    @joker i didn't read the whole thing only first sentence... Lazy...
    Yup that's y I agree so gtfo me... Do u see the tanks I work with thxs...
  5. Deadpool FTW

    Deadpool FTW New Member

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    Don't forget to devour any pets they may own at the moment.

    People, one of the tank's roles is the final push into the enemy base. The assassin gets the bots into the base and clears the turrets, and then works with the tank to get bots onto the ball. It is extremely hard for an assassin to solo a ball down, but with a tank co-operating it becomes significantly easier. So please, help your assassin, save a panda bear.
  6. Typical Knave

    Typical Knave New Member

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    As someone who's been forced to play tank in random private matches since it seems like assassin is always taken, I'd like some tips to make the transition to midfield without getting absolutely raped by the slayers on the other team. I realize part of this is skill in the railgun in successfully keeping hits to keep them second guessing but it seems like any time I try to take any amount of ground as a tank(especially on Ammo Mule, I can never seem to do well with the wide open spaces there) I end up getting torn apart.

    Any tips on getting to midfield and beyond and knowing when to make an advance? I assume the idea is to follow the slayers across and move up when they do, but knowing when it's safe to advance seems to be the difference maker.
  7. joker

    joker Active Member

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    picture getting to midfield like a cartoon with 2 paths. one side is sunny with animals trotting about and a rainbow, the other is dark with leafless trees and a haunted house in the background. this usually applies to privates seeing as how the entire middle (as in all the way to the left and right of the mid, not just middle middle. many players dont utilize going far wide then back to mid in terms of a flank or helping spread the field to help a struggling team regain control) cannot be claimed, and if it is, that is because your team is getting raped and theres not much u can do. but in neutral situations, pick the appropriate route and railgun stuff in front of you. you would be surprised how many people back down after getting railed just once or twice, making your path that much easier. basically, just dont run into a straight line at the gunner and use your teammates' presence as a guide to getting mid control. also, once u have charge 3, keeping a structure nearby is always handy, prevents people from getting to close and yourself alive, and if they choose to turn that corner, pow!
  8. aflyingtaco

    aflyingtaco Member

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    did you just say "the assassin can do this on his own?"
  9. Deadpool FTW

    Deadpool FTW New Member

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    Did you read the words immediately following that?

    And it is quite possible. In a game against people neglecting bots, I've won in about 2 minutes. It is entirely possible, just quite hard.
  10. De Troll

    De Troll New Member

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    If you want to be a good tank, you must first abandon all public match tendencies and preconceived notions.
    ABOVE ALL- You will most likely not show up in the stats and you must come to terms with this. You're more of a support class than anything else. Take as many deaths as you need to. Find a balance between base camping and Feedle.
    I'll try to outline a beginner tank playstyle as well as possible.
    1. Kill the bots and SHOOT people- Just because you aren't going to kill their gunner, doesn't mean you can't shoot him. That extra damage may give your gunner the upper hand in a fight.
    2. Play a bit unorthodox- Don't play like an assault or a gunner, you aren't. Be a little shady and be as inconspicuous as possible.
    3. Utilize your strengths- Stay at long range, be smart enough to know what fights to take and what fights not to take.
    4. Be aware- Don't keep trying to rail gun fight the sniper, he's just distracting you and it's only going to end in a stalemate.
    5. Play with confidence and know your matchups- Tank kills assassin, support, assault, and opposing tank. You can combat the enemy gunner, but don't try to take him head on. Avoid their sniper altogether usually. Don't be afraid to flex your muscles ESPECIALLY when dealing with the enemy assassin. You killing them is a gigantic help.
    6. Use your environment!- I feel like the tank makes the most use of objects around the map. For example, since your rail gun takes a split second to cool down in between shots, dip behind a wall after every shot to avoid getting shot. Test this out against an enemy gunner and notice how easy it is to kill them at medium range by reducing the amount of damage you receive. Use your grenade to weed out weak enemies. You can hit some pretty common hiding spots with relative ease if you practice it. Also, use tank jumping effectively. Push as far as you want from an elevated position, and as soon as things get out of hand you can just 180 and tank jump back to safety.
    7. MOST IMPORTANT: You are the bot KING- Don't just kill bots, annihilate them. You can push an entire lane from one spot. Once you see significant progress being made in said lane, get your hands dirty and make a serious push.

    So I guess that was my private match tank "mini-guide".
  11. the_feedle

    the_feedle New Member

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    I try and get a side open then spawn a bouncer on that side. Reason being is if i walk that bouncer in with me and chase someone like the sniper while im going after them they have basically two things chasing them. The bouncer will also tear down the rockets on many maps since alot of pm players like to stay in the middle and near their back bot lane.

    I admit i should try killing more people and using the rail gun more actively but i like keeping people on their toes. Ghost charging and death blossoming a group usually sends people running or helps the rest of the slayers finish off someone weak.

    I dont bother rail gunning targets which are harder to hit. I go for the tanks or gunners with the rail. Death blossom and charge 3 for sniper, assault, gunner & support (if hes close)

    Another thing is if you can kill all the enemy bots they cant win until overtime.

    Also everyone is accustomed to Rate/Armor/Skill or Rate/Armor/ACC. I run
    gold speed/armor/reload. I can get to one side of the map almost as quick as an assassin and the way i blossom kills every bot in one swing.

    Also if you get inside their base kill everything possible or try and distract the team. "HEY feedle got in lets go for an easy kill and jump him" When that happens they lose control of middle sometimes and our team can get in.

    Work with your assassin and focus.. you and the assassin should be calling out things to each other or the team. Assassin is the scout of the team.

    Once the ball is down keep the ball down.

    Assault switches role now.. him and the assassin are the ones who should be tapping the ball every 15-20 seconds. If nothing hits the ball then you just gave up what could have been a win.

    Also other classes if those two fail to hit the ball you need to step up and do something to nail it.

    Tank and gunner can fly in the spawn on some maps and get a shot in.

    Use long range to nail the ball if you must:
    Rail gun/prod bomb
    Flak 3, sniper shots
    Grenade Launcher/Bomb 3
    Shruikens (assassins start using these and shoot the area where you spawn strike people... they will bounce all around and hit the ball.. You can do this from mid on some maps.
    Air strike/hurt gun/drop a firebase and hack it to 3.3
    Mortar it or deploy and undeploy mini...

    Once you got complete control over overtime..
    You need juice or a support to get in...

    Juice or criting

    Assault bomb 3 and or grenade launcher
    Assassin with shruikens or cloak 3 shruikens
    Gunner deploy 2 or 3 with minis
    Tank- Deploy 2 or 3 with jet flame
    support- shotgun and air strike 3 (drop firebase for distraction and dont bother trying to hack)
    Sniper- flak 3 and smg since scoping can sometimes get you killed easier

    #1 ball killer- support shotgun
    #2 Ball killer- assault with glauncher
    #3 ball killer- shruikens with assassin
    #4 ball killer- (not sure which the rest of the classes would fit cause i havnt really tested them all)
  12. Undercover_Thudercat

    Undercover_Thudercat New Member

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    Grenade launcher definitely kills the ball faster than shotgun. An assault can destroy a ball with one juice if he uses bomb 3s with it as well, I believe. If not, he leaves it with less than 10% health.
  13. joker

    joker Active Member

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    Wrong, the shotgun is stronger/faster, the GL is just a safer bet bc you can be more mobile so less chance of being charged, grappled, dying. Also, you cant kill it with 1 assault juice, even if u run gold rate and silver clip you need a couple bombs. Any build with gold armor and some accuracy will take a full juice and at least 3-4 bombs.
  14. desertfalcon

    desertfalcon Active Member

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    This seems like one of those "Easier said than Done" (is that the right Than/Then?)
  15. Undercover_Thudercat

    Undercover_Thudercat New Member

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    Drop bomb 3 on moneyball.
    Pop juice and detonate bomb at the same time.
    Grenade launch moneyball while using bomb 3 at every cooldown.

    Does the ball die during the juice duration?
  16. crimsonautumn

    crimsonautumn Active Member

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