Hello I'm confused as to how to use papatran after exporting my model into an fbx file. Whenver I run papatran.exe a cmd window pops up for a second or so, some stuff runs down it, and it closes. Anyone know anyway to get the model through?
you have to press the windows key + r type cmd in the box drag papatran into the cmd prompt Somehow use the ever confusing flags to get it to transfer to PAPA format That's as far as i got
Did you ever figure out how to actually get the .fbx through? I can't even understand how to name it through this... o.o
I'm no good at command-line programs. First try is usually to just drag the file onto the .exe and hope it works. Second try is to run the program repeatedly and try to read what it says in the fraction of a second that the window is open. Eventually, after some magic, googling, and a little screaming, a .bat file is made, things get done, and a few months later the process repeats because I forget where the .bat file is or how to use it.
Kid's these days. No basic command line experience. This is what I believe the process should go like. 1. Open up your preferred command line. Use assuming you are on windows, use cmd if you like old school memories and pain, use windows powershell if you want something a little higher level, but more user friendly. 2. Navigate to the folder containing papatran.exe. If you do not know how to do this, There are lots of tutorials out there on basic command line operation. To summarise: dir (or ls if on powershell) lists the directories in the current directory cd [path of new directory] changes the directory you are in. Use cd .. if you want to go up one. [drive letter]: changes the drive you are on. Once you have got to the folder containing papatran, continue onto the next step. 3. Run papatran. If I had the model in the sub-folder "art" and it was called "land_barrier" (as I want to replace the wall, for example), then the correct command should be: > papatran.exe -o test.papa art/land_barrier.FBX Based on my interpretation of the help dialogue. This would create a new file called "test.papa" which should then be compatible to run with PA. If you want to run the model without a texture to just produce a grey-box, then I believe the command should be >papatran.exe --no-materials -o test.papa art/land_barrier.FBX Here is the issue. Doing this, I have not been able to export the model as a .papa, however I think this is more to do with a problem in the model then it is to do with my execution of papatran. I have a lot more experience manipulating arcane command line options than I do with models, so this is the most likely scenario. At some point, I will try to do this with a far simpler model, and see if I'm right, but if anyone would care to test this process, then it would be a good start.
You need a default.settings file if you are including textures (unless using --no-materials), I believe.