Get rid of the Spam not the Grenade

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by karr1z4j2, August 24, 2010.

  1. karr1z4j2

    karr1z4j2 New Member

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    The Supports airstrike.

    I haven't heard anyone call it by it's proper name yet so I will. What all of you are experiencing is called

    "Grenade Spam"

    This is a problem for many online shooters. In Call of Duty 4 you could get a perk that gave you three frags. In Modern Warfare 2 they took that perk out to stop the "Grenade Spam"
    Now the way to deal with "Grenade Spam" is not to take the "Grenade" out but the "Spam."

    Lengthening the time between throws of the Airstrike just a little would solve this issue completely. So we still get the "Grenade" without the "Spam"
  2. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    Instead of giving it 3 charges with a 60-second total charge time, they should just make it 60/30/15 seconds for a single charge, to work more like other skills. That way you would still get the same number of uses per minute, but just wouldn't be able to save up 2 or 3 of them.
  3. Muttly2001

    Muttly2001 New Member

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    Airstrike spam is silly anyway...what is gained by throwing three in relatively the same place...besides a wasted opportunity. As a support there are times where I feel it strategically necessary to deploy three airstrikes at one time...but it may be to trap a Pro on a bridge or to blanket an area, push/scare a pro a certain way, etc. Oh I do throw three in a row on jackbots and most lv. 3 turrets. If you see a support spamming airstrikes you know that you are free to chase them without getting stickied.

    Not right to punish everyone because stupid people resort to spamming to get kills.

    Only you can prevent getting hit from airstrikes. Visual and audio clues give plenty of time to get away. Just be aware of your surroundings.
  4. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    I perfectly understand how airstrikes work and I do find them to be one of the supports main weapons however calling it spam is a little overboard. I throw one when I feel I will get kills but rarely do I find myself chucking 3 at a time to blanket an area.I preserve each one until the perfect moment and if I need two to get my objective done, I will do it. I have a very good understanding of people and their reactions to the strikes so I also have a good idea of how to kill them. Yes I do use the support and yes I do use strikes a lot but would i say it would be a good idea to spam them? No I would not. That just creates wasted strikes that typically don't get you much kills.
  5. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    The level 3 airstrike has a big radius.... there's no need to throw three! Every now and then you might need to throw two against one target, but still it seems excessive. The only reason you'd want to spam them all is for the jackbot.
  6. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    Not entirely true as in places like LazerRazor you can spam all three in the tunnel on the left and catch a bunch of enemies on the walkway above. The trick is to spam them so that all three fill the walkway above you and ensure that noone up there will survive. Also, it takes 2 Air Strike to kill a Rocket Turret so there are times when spamming them is required in order to take down a turret that is being healed. I regularly get triple kills or better using Air Strike spam.
  7. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    Triple spamming the airstrike is fun and all, but let's stop and consider this for a moment. The gunner is the second slowest class, and I avoid about about 75% of the airstrikes thrown my way. I usually avoid about 50% of the airstrikes thrown directly onto me. This includes multiple support characters working in concert.

    If you are playing with a team (and you should be) then it's much better to throw one airstrike and heal your ally while he finishes the turret. Or if you want you can try to finish the turret with your strike. Most people don't hang out in bunches for longer than a few seconds. Also air strike spam will leave you defenseless in case you miss, or 15 seconds later when they respawn nearby.
  8. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    I usually only spam the air strike by mistake. There's virtually no benefit to doing so, so the idea that we somehow need to worry about it as a primary issue is odd. Tossing one at a time is so much more beneficial.

    I mean, honestly, I'd rather have an opposing support spam it than use it to precision effect. The guys who devastate half my base are far more annoying.
  9. Karishadz

    Karishadz New Member

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    I will only toss three strike in succession if I needed to clear a somewhat large area of the other opposing Players, or make sure I kill any Firebases with supports constantly over healing them.

    But there huge cooldown pretty much balances it out. And there also avoidable, if your fast enough.
  10. mrfatpockets

    mrfatpockets New Member

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    Unlike grenade spam you can see exactly where the airstrike is and you cannot lob it across the map!

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