Get into Dis Order

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Clans, Team, and Tournamen' started by Organous, December 8, 2010.

  1. Organous

    Organous Member

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    I've been playing far too many pub-stomping games and finding that I'm not actually playing this game at any really high level. All I've been doing is either been a lone player among a bunch of disorganized people or I've been with a very organized group against a ton of disorganized, inexperienced players. I want to actually be good at this game, and that means an organized team vs. an organized team. Oxyteam doesn't seem willing to accept me (they are quite large enough as it is, so I don't blame them), but it's just as well. I think we need to have more groups made, so I may as well be one to start.

    Let's see if we can get Dis Order going. Instantly I invite anyone that's on my XBL friends list, but I will be accepting applications, too. This team's focus is going to be on private matches, using public only as field training. I'm personally too disorganized right now to reliably do scheduled matches, but anytime we have at least 6 people on, we'll try to get something going. Initially we'll be doing private matches among ourselves so we can get a feel for each other's abilities. Once we feel we've gotten ourselves set, we'll start taking on other groups. I figure the easiest way of doing that is to ask around my friend list and recent players for anyone who's got a part going.
    Applications are being accepted to get into Dis Order. Any takers?

    SHOW YOUR HEART New Member

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    Look here, sir. We can't just go on letting everyone in that crosses our path. It takes a little something special to join. It's important that we stick to the paradigm that we've set up. Wildcard.

    I do like this idea, though. OxyTeam will always be down for a little competition, provided that the intention is fun, and the opposing team is not composed of douchebags.

    No hard feelings. :oops:
  3. Organous

    Organous Member

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    Of course. I understand your position fully and there are no hard feelings there. In fact, I credit you guys with my push to do this. I stayed in a lobby against them for a while simply because I wanted to provide some actual resistance to them beyond the random noobs. You are only as good as your competition, and I felt I should play against good players. Of course, I knew it was fruitless, since one lone Assassin cannot destroy an entire team of good players.
  4. Scented Midget

    Scented Midget New Member

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    Find yourself some friends, start a group, critique.
    It will be very hard to start a group off of the forums when only 100 out of 2615 people are active users on here.
    My point being that if you find people that you can have a really good friendly relationship with, and play MNC with each other. You will know each others play style and it will be easier to start a group off of that, find friends of friends, and just build from there. Thats basically how these kind of groups start.

    HI IM SNARF New Member

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    Lol, no offense, but some people just take this game too seriously.
  6. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    I'll give it a shot, im a pretty good Assassin. I do play a lot, especially if needed to. throw me an invite for friend request, Bambam BM, i've been looking for a team. See if i fit with the group.

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