General bouncer fixes wishlist

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Wishlist' started by corducken, August 3, 2011.

  1. corducken

    corducken Member

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    Bouncer melee strikes can occur immediately after a grapple and instantly kill a player that was otherwise badly wounded but alive after a grapple.

    It's not uncommon, either. It can increase their damage dealt overall by about 50%, turn their grapples from 75% damage to gold armor assassins/snipers into insta-kills. Also that 75% damage is increased by the fact bouncers can lunge then grapple just like assassins, so it's not impossible for single bouncers to basically rack up a three-hit combo killing just about any class in the right situation.

    It's an incredibly easy fix, just add an activity delay after a bouncer has grappled someone so it just sits idle for a moment allowing wounded players to retreat. Encourages a team to work *with* the bouncers for maximum effectiveness, as well.

    The lunge fix is also easy, making it an alternative attack where the bouncer can either lunge to do decent damage or try to run up and grapple. If a successful grapple can't be performed, then a lunge is performed instead. It would be subject to the same activity cooldown as a grapple to prevent chains of it. In this kind of situation, this sort of attack would be much less effective than a grapple, so to balance it, anyone hit by it should be stunned, slowing them down for one-two seconds. Doesn't hold players still like a grapple and does less damage, but it is still effective nonetheless for an alternative attack.

    Also, just throwing it out there, bouncers should change targets from flying assaults to any other people in close proximity if possible. A high-flying assault can't be attacked by a bouncer and the assault can exploit the bouncer's AI to lead it away from teammates and even wait for his level 3 charge to regen to dispose of the bouncer without it being a threat, turning it into an overall waste of an investment for the tank or gunner that spawned it due to inadequate target choices.

    Finally, they should target assassins with level 1 or 2 cloak if they're in what would be close enough proximity to view the assassin's team-colored glow, even immediately changing targets if the original target is far away enough to make the assassin an easier target. Level 3 cloak should be ignored. Should an assassin cloak right before the bouncer's in grapple range, it will lunge at the last known location of the assassin. Assassins recently damaged while cloaked by enemy players will be considered "uncloaked" for targeting purposes, but I'm pretty sure that AI already exists for turrets and bots.

    None of these are necessary, really (except the huge damage bugs), but it would be a nice touch and add a bit of complexity to them if they were all applied. So, wishlist. Yeah.
  2. Z-UNIT

    Z-UNIT Active Member

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    bouncers would be fine if their lunge was not a teleport as an assassin i always used to be able to grapple a bouncer out of their lunge but since the update that introduced the
    tele-lunge that is no longer possible
    bouncers already chase cloaked assassins
  3. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    can the lunge grapple actually do damage AND grapple?

    I thought it was like the assault lv3 charge, especially since the lunge itself gained damage in the same update that fixed the non-grapple damage of the lv3 charge

    either way, I support the idea that they either do a shoulder charge for damage+knockback OR do a normal melee-range grapple
  4. sunnydove

    sunnydove Member

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    And with you on this. The teleport-grapple nonsense is obnoxious.
  5. TNine

    TNine New Member

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    Only when the game glitches, last i checked. I've had plenty of bouncers run right past me from their spawn, and just as many stop chasing me when the cloak kicked in.
  6. killien

    killien Active Member

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    Kinda wish all grapples were like this, human or bot.
    Gets annoying getting grappled only to be finished off with a shot/slash before I can even twitch
  7. zodiark1234

    zodiark1234 New Member

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    Tele lunge plus the second highest health of all bots in Crossfire mode makes Bouncers nothing short of a huge hassle. Overhealed Bouncer Spam is simply h3ll.
  8. Z-UNIT

    Z-UNIT Active Member

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    oh maybe one of the last patches fixed that then as i have not played a whole lot of assassin lately
    but i do remember being constantly chased by them while cloaked when i did play a lot of sin
  9. corducken

    corducken Member

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    Human-Human grapples have their own different level of issues. I still want to know whose idea it was to make the crosshairs of each participant rest over the other participant's head.

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