Gear vs. Hats

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by arseface, March 14, 2011.

  1. arseface

    arseface Post Master General

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    In just about every thread that works it's way onto the gear subject, someone yells "NO HATS, DO NOT WANT." I have not seen a single recommendation for a random gear drop system in MNC. No one wants it.

    I have seen numerous posts in favor of purchasable(with IN-GAME money) gear. Every time someone says that, a person yells "NO HATS, DO NOT WANT." Gear is NOT hats. Stop bitching about something that doesn't exist, won't exist, and has NEVER EVEN BEEN SUGGESTED. Stop associating hats with random drops/trade systems, it's obnoxious.

    Gear is a way to make your character look cooler. Hats(in TF2) are a micro economy. Learn the difference.

    (On an unrelated note, I have absolutely zero problem with TF2's hat system. I would very much PREFER the ability to use whatever hats you wanted to allow for universal character customization, but it really doesn't effect gameplay. AT ALL. Before someone argues the polycount hats, those have crafting formulas. It's like crafting any other weapon, only harder.)
  2. killien

    killien Active Member

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    I have like $500,000 of ingame cash sitting around that I have no use for(not interested in buying protags)

    Would be nice to be able to buy different things with that ingame cash. Different weapon/armor models, the ability to remove the Assassin's mask, new taunts, etc
  3. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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  4. iammclovin117

    iammclovin117 Active Member

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    If you just keep this to TF2, then i can be happy.

    Stout Shako for 2 Scrap.
  5. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    They made protags. If you don't want to buy them, then you know why you have all that extra cash. It is your choice, but that also decides on whether you have spare cash or not.

    But I would like purchaseable gear and taunts. Simply wouldn't like insane crap I would have to hack the game to get.
  6. Caliostro

    Caliostro New Member

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    We already have too much extraneous gear.

    One of the reasons this game is going down hill is the focus on completely pointless "gear" that's just muddling up the visual style instead of more gameplay relevant features: New maps, unrealed support, comp support... etc.

    I'll say here the same thing I said on TF2 months ago: If I wanted to play "dress up" I'd be playing a Barbie game, or the Sims... I'm not a 12 year old girl though.
  7. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    Caliostro I disagree.

    First off: Often times the people that work on things like modeling new skins and doing the audio stuff are different people than the ones handling the programing and map design.

    The visual style of the game hasn't really been muddied up by anything so far. The only thing that remotely messes with the art style is the Cardboard Tube Samurai. And if they removed the straw hat from the model it wouldn't be all that weird looking.

    All of the TF2 items fit the art style. The mask for assassin is probably the only one that isn't very good but its not terrible. The assault actually looks fantastic with his TF2 gear.

    Competitive support and the Mod Tools are needed but what is making the game "go downhill" is the loss of players due to frustration or lack of interest. Mod Tools would help with the interest part, some redesigns and balance changes to certain aspects of the game would help with the frustration.
  8. duckling

    duckling New Member

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    More maps, bug fixes and team balance. The skins/gear whatever have no effect on the actual game play. I'd take 1 new map over 5 more skins/weapon models.

    Going back to TF2, they didn't start adding extra weapons or hats to the game until it was well polished.
  9. DelBoy

    DelBoy New Member

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    Sorry, but just where are you still seeing these comments about gear being compared to hats? I haven't such things ever since the TF2 cross promotion with MNC, and that's long ago now. The attitude of the people around here regarding the gear seems to be content, compared to those on the TF2 faction who work their hardest to find reasons to slash and burn Valve for any damned addition they make into the game.

    Point of the matter is that we don't need to see the same silly drama and politics over cosmetic items in MNC. The only gear that's slightly e-peen inducing is the Beta gear, and at least that actually has a good, proper reason behind it.
  10. Caliostro

    Caliostro New Member

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    ...And you want to be taken seriously?
  11. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    Too bad that proper competitive support is out of the question, I can understand the developers somewhat but I can no longer support the game because of what I am.

    Cosmetics in videogaming is a very bad trend and distracts from more pressing issues, like fixing design errors.

    As a long-time TF2 player I have to state that I never bought into the whole hat and unlock rush either, I prefer the game to be played without any unlocks but the original medic unlocks.

    I still wear a white vintage tyrolean for the sake of healing with style though.
  12. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    I wish that we could have more to spend cash on without ending up in TF2 levels of hatness.

    I would support a better way to quickly select gear ahead of selecting a match or more quickly so we can get to playing. Thats my main problem. I mean with just 4 choices I find myself just not doing anything towards helping my teammates going:"hmm I feel like going retro today but I do like the rose petal effects..."

    One solution would be to only release new gear on very special occasions and I mean SPECIAL. Just infrequent enough that new maps can be made and issues can be addressed. I dont want the Uber team stressing out about devoting manpower towards new gear.
  13. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    I meant tf2 items in MNC.

    The sniper hat/demo eyepatch/ammo belt/medic backpack/gasmask all fit the art style perfectly fine. The hardhat not so much, and the mask + headphones not very well. But the rest look and fit the art perfectly fine.
  14. Rammite

    Rammite New Member

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    I think the main problem with hats is that it's all a giant random chance.

    I'd like the ability to buy gear/hats using the in-game money, since you earn it yourself.
  15. Dark_Reaper115

    Dark_Reaper115 New Member

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    I thought trolls only live in TF2 forums...
    Oh well...obvious troll is obvious...

    But seriously, I like ALL new additions, ALWAYS in ANY game. That shows me devs are trying to keep the game alive. I like gear, maps, gameplay system...
    But I would LOVE to see a in-game cash system to buy new taunts, gears, or a few crazy wacky options... (BTW, with cash system I am NOT saying "trading sytem" or "random drop system").

    Cosmetics AREN'T a bad thing. Also they are there. Deal with it. :ugeek:
  16. hostileparadox

    hostileparadox Well-Known Member

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    Gear is fine, unless it starts getting stupid like TF2.
    TF2 has jumped the shark.
  17. RayHanley

    RayHanley New Member

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    i don't think he means making clown hats to unlock. i think he means making stuff like the outlander gear some unlockable gears in the locker room, with in-game earnings.

    there should be some customization because visuals has become a way bigger deal than it used to be; and some people, like my friend, cares too much about these things than the actual gameplay.
    suitable customization is a good attracting point imo.

    i don't see a huge problem in making unlockable gear, as long as it doesn't cross the line.
  18. Decker87

    Decker87 New Member

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    Kinda like how when I brought up the need for better matchmaking, so many people said "no, I don't want peer hosting cause then the host will just ragequit!"....I guess you can't cure stupid :).
  19. XyzKiller

    XyzKiller New Member

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    Purchasable Voice Commands (once those are added)

    Will make me a very happy camper.
  20. Caliostro

    Caliostro New Member

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    Not better.

    Quod erat demonstrandum: you still think matchmaking is a good thing.

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