Gas Powered Games / Forums

Discussion in 'Unrelated Discussion' started by feyder, December 17, 2013.

  1. feyder

    feyder Member

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    Hi all its been a long time since I've been able to access the GPG forums I assume they have been taken down as they were acquired by wargaming.

    Does anyone have any newish information on what Chris and his Team are working on now days? I recall there was a video saying he was working on something really awesome and then Wargaming also purchased the TA Licence.

    I'm asking here as I know a lot of people from the Supreme Commander Games are here and I am also a backer on PA.

  2. Skywarp

    Skywarp New Member

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    chris taylor is a wash up. he was last working on that fail wildman game and posted a video on his facebook asking the fans if they should continue. I ranted at him and said it is not what we want and his sister then pm me on fb explaining he is going through very hard times and i had also mentioned he was going to have to end up fireing more ppl then what he had just recently done because wildman will not pay off.

    that was the last i heard of him and that team. im sure most of those fired reps have ended up here or elsewhere and chris taylor is now filing for bankruptcy cas of his stupid head dissensions.
  3. feyder

    feyder Member

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    Thanks Skywarp but I didn't ask for you to to talk crap about the guy I was asking about his projects. He's an amazing Designer.

    Wildman was looking amazing and I would gladly have paid for that game.
    If he's such a washup why would Wargaming a massive RTS Publisher pick up GPG? Why would they hire Chris and allow him to hire his staff back?

    I want to know about his projects and his teams projects not your opinion on why you don't like the guy.
    I'm a supporter of TA, Supcom & PA I wouldn't have heard about PA let alone backed it if I hadn't have experienced TA or Supcom. PA probably wouldn't be the game it is now if Mavor and the crew hadn't have worked on Supcom and learned from their mistakes.

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