Gapshots and other robot spawns

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by miahbot, March 23, 2011.

  1. miahbot

    miahbot New Member

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    Hey is there any way to tell what kind of bot will spawn when you pay the $100 to get more? Is it random, based on the map, based on what bots are out there, any clues at all? Thanks!
  2. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    Class based.

    Assassin - Gremlins
    Assault - Buzzers
    Gunner - Bouncer
    Sniper - Scramblers
    Support - Gapshots
    Tank - Bouncers
  3. DelBoy

    DelBoy New Member

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    That, and it's the same for every single map. Hope that clears it up for you. ;)
  4. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    Just an FYI for the time being, only Gapshots actually affect the turnout of a game. The other bots only serve as a distraction or an annoyance but have no real impact and rarely will you even get kills with them. Gremlins will get you the most kills of any of them but thats rare and chances are you will kill them with one attack anyways. It is really only if you have a spare $100, unless its gapshots which rape face :D
  5. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Just an fyi each bot has a purpose and affect the turnout of the game. Kills aren't everything. Map control is more valuable then kills. Imo.

    Also every bot will go after turrets and the Moneyball if there is no other target for them. Remember it only take 2 bots to drop the Moneyball shields.
  6. miahbot

    miahbot New Member

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    Sweet thanks... Yeah I didn't really want to spawn anything other than gapshots but I never figured it out nor saw anything about it in the playbook, manual etc! Seems like when I spawn any other bots they go directly to a player who then explodes them for cash and juice. Not so great.

    I was way flush with money and spawned 6 waves of buzzers recently, and noticed that I got about 4 kills out of the deal. Hahah! And it seemed like my team lost the edge due to a constant spam of bouncers attacking us on another match, but that doesnt usually happen either.
  7. killien

    killien Active Member

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    Except Buzzers, they would rather clump up together and hug the walls
  8. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    As much as I want to believe this, Buzzers simply don't work the majority of the time, gremlins are murdered by most classes without contest, Scrambler uses are situational at best, and Bouncers are just a slight annoyance. I know I came across as a **** in my first post but it is honestly something I feel the devs didn't spend enough time on. They don't really provide much map control at all aside from Gaps.

    It really is pointless which is why I regret that first post. I just didn't want him to go wasting money on bots when he can use it for better things.
  9. killien

    killien Active Member

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    Bouncers and Gremlins can be downright nasty, if bought in bulk
    Hitting one bot spawner then diddling around for 5 minutes before hitting it again won't do much.
    But timing them so you pop the bots out one after another after another and you can have a decently sizable force tooling around that doesn't have to follow the standard botlanes

    1 or 2 Bouncers? Yea, pretty easy to deal with. 6 and you got a challenge
    Same with Gremlins, 3 is trivial, 12 isn't
  10. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    Sure, but that is quite a bit of money for kills you could have gotten for free by actually killing. And one Tank can make BANK killing all your gremlins. Bouncers are the same thing but it would require a bit more team effort. Still your standing at a bot spawner all day and using your money to get those bots and seeing lesser results compared to if you were actually doing something. While the idea works in theory, it was honestly just not thought out enough on the dev's part.
  11. killien

    killien Active Member

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    Eh, the way I see it is if they're busy trying to take out your special bots, then they're not taking out the regular ones and if they take the high ground to avoid them, the specials will head for the MB.
    A high KDR and amount of cash is nice, but it won't always win you the game
  12. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    I'm not just talking kills here. They really just don't seem to do much outside of kills and even that is poor. "distractions" don't really apply if talking them out isn't much of a problem especially if turrets are up and shooting at them. I can see how Bouncers can be good as a distraction from the regular bots though as it would take focus from the turrets but is it worth the money? Not really.
  13. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Most players spawn bot and that's it. No following, no escorting, nothing. They just set and forget and expect high results.

    Each bot, except for maybe Buzzers and Scrambles, forces the enemy to deal with them. Either way it creates some kind of opening. Also bots aren't just offensive.

    Another great point turret will shoot bots before they shoot Pro which is another opening. You can either wander deep into their base or just stand there shooting the turret while it is busy. Gremlins are notorious for being a hard target for turrets. Bouncers can easily kill most turrets in a few punches.

    Gapshots are great but if they target a turret that is under the ring that is a wasted $100, because once bots target something they don't stop unless it is dead or out of range.

    Also $100 is chump change to be honest.
  14. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    I understand that and I don't look down upon bot buying but I just feel like you don't get nearly enough benefits from it. I do understand the benefits of each I just feel like it has no real impact on the game spare a couple kills and some added turret fire :?
  15. Darrus Dreadtiger

    Darrus Dreadtiger New Member

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    Almost all bot purchases are situational.

    Buzzers sure are able to distract pros in a battle or at least deal sufficient damage to kill them, but they are easily located and killed by any class. I'd buy them on maps where you can reach the other bot spawn in sufficient time like LazeRazor or Spnky. If you have played The Scramble at some point you might be aware of how painful a wave of buzzers can really get.

    Scramblers... well, can't say much to this, I don't like it. As a sniper I prefer to invest leftover money into turrets. They're way too easy to avoid and only a threat if you get too close to them... which is a problem because they are slow.

    Bouncers can be a hassle, especially if they interfere in a battle already in progress. I've witnessed six bouncers (of which I bought a few myself) f**king up the general area around a moneyball. They're also deadly in conjunction with the smaller ellis, especially gremlins.

    Gremlins CAN be deadly if they strike unaware players. Some classes have more trouble disposing of them than others. I believe it's most complicated for supports. They're easily killed if spotted quickly though, but can pose a serious threat to preoccupied players.

    Gapshots, now, are the creme on the pie. I love them to no end. On our server, if the enemy team is turtling (which can happen quite often, since game time is extended by ten minutes) a gap shot spam can not only rack up quite a few assists and bot kills, but also wear down any turret they can reach. And that's more than one would believe. Also, in many cases it's a self-supporting cause. I've had extended ultra streaks which gave insane amounts of money, plus taunting after every kill. Technically I never would have had to leave the base at some point. HOWEVER, as long as the enemy team has proficient bot killers (assassins) it can get tricky to get your money's worth out of them.
  16. Sayed Stafa

    Sayed Stafa New Member

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    Scramblers are hands down the worst out of all the bots. The only time I feel threatened by them is when I'm a Support because I don't want to lose my hacking skill. It takes forever for hack to recharge, and I always try to keep as many turrets hacked as possible. But even then, rarely do the scramblers even get close to me. They are just too slow and can even be zapped with the hurt ray from a safe distance.
  17. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Scramblers are better on defense.
  18. Mail

    Mail New Member

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    I've been screwed up as tank by scramblers once or twice, couldn't charge out because of them. That said, that has only happened about twice. Gremlins can screw up turrets like you wouldn't believe. Play the scramble, build a bunch of turrets until the last round, and just watch the world burn from the spawn. If everyone's on the high ground, a pack of gremlins can cause more damage than a gapshot to turrets.

    A pack of bouncers is especially useful on spunky cola. Just spawn them like mad and watch the enemy team fall to pieces or camp the top, both of which can give you a serious advantage.
  19. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    I'm still of the opinion the only bot that isn't entirely useless is the Bouncer since it charges at you and forces you to acknowledge it. Gapshots drop if you like breathe on them.
  20. Skull Man

    Skull Man New Member

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    I've had a lot of success buying 9 gremlins for $300 at the very beginning of a Steel Peel match. Other than that, I very rarely buy bots...

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