ahahahahahhhh.... HAAAAahahahahahahahah..... :lol: HAHAHA AHAHAHH hahaha huhu hehehe heheh... AAWWHAWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAHAHAHAHAHHWWWWWAHAHAhahahaheheeeeeeeh... kudos man. but you do realize that HAD to be more of the enemy's fault than your skill. FOR INSTANCE, my friend killed the entire enemy team with a sniper headshot (that means ALL of them got a hot-lead-facial, all of their grey matter were in a mixture against the wall) off the spawn on search and destroy (you dont respawn, that was the end of that game, hyphyboy wins six-person-enemy-team loses). and i told him the same thing: How is that some merit of his skills? Its more of a "dumb-arse award" held proud by the other team. would you stand in a row with teammates facing the enemy spawn? "hey everybody, we dont have a chance anyway, so lets make this easy for the enemy team and stand in a row. cmon everybody, lets just put our heads together, ear to ear, make sure the ears are in line because thats the tunnel the bullet will be traveling thru." would you stand three-to-a-group while you are rained on by artillery? "hey everyone, we are going to die by hudson anyway, so why not all stand in a group as he drops death on us. its easier to die together, the devil gives a group discount. cmon everyone, stand holding hands, make sure to look up with your mouth open like a turkey right before your mouth is filled with your own burning chunks of flesh blown into the air out from under you." :roll:
Lol @ the image. Earlier I got an all time great with 3 juiced mortar shots. 1st shot was an assassin, 2nd was a support, assassin, and 2 gunners, and 3rd was an assault.
I still like my Annihilator Triple. IIRC, I actually made a profit off hitting it from that, I was like