Gaming skill defined

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Cheesecakecrush, January 8, 2011.

  1. Cheesecakecrush

    Cheesecakecrush New Member

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    Gaming skill is comprised of four aspects:

    1. Raw mechanical ability. This is the capability of manipulating your input to achieve the results you desire. This is usually aim and maneuvering in shooters, while its commanding troops in RTS games. Games that eliminate this are non-speed puzzle games, card games, and the like. A gamer with poor mechanical ability will be easy to juke, will have a tough time ordering multiple types of troops around, etc.

    2. Awareness. Knowing what your opponent is doing, where he is, keeping tabs on enemy activity. This is knowing what is going on. In MNC, its knowing the status of their base and the location of their nearest bot wave, when Anni, bullseye, jackbots are coming. An unaware opponent is easy to sneak up on, even from the front, and will be easy to push bots past without confrontation.

    3. Experience. Map layouts, build orders. Where opponents will likely attack, cover they will use, how classes work. A person without experience will not know about attack points, will be easy to ambush from points they don't know about, will build things that slow down their efforts to field an effective army.

    4. Strategy. Attacking as a group, sending an appropriate mix of units to field an effective attack, using the right tool the right job at the right time. Also knowing when to mix up their attack so that they don't become predictable. People who lack strategic ability will always attack a mob of enemy pros alone, will attack from the same direction constantly.

    You can debate on why people are "bad" at MNC or at any game, for that matter, but it all boils down to lower ratings in any or all of these four areas. There is also some overlap between Experience and Strategy, and because Strategy requires some knowledge of the game. But it is its own section because just because you know everything about a game doesn't mean you can actually think and act strategically.

    SAINTofSINS New Member

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    This thread is awesome.

    Can I admit that I now have a man-crush on you as a result of that brilliant write-up?
  3. Sah

    Sah New Member

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    I too am hot for your brains. Thanks for splitting it up so concisely.
  4. Cheesecakecrush

    Cheesecakecrush New Member

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    There are equipment based assists or detriments to these as well.

    Mechanical ability can be assisted by a precision controller, or one that has buttons in easier to reach locations allowing for more constant manipulation of your aiming stick. It can also be detracted by a worn out controller.

    Awareness can be enhanced by a large, HD tv that allows you to see more, and a gaming headset that allows you to hear in multiple directions easily (Turtle Beach :mrgreen: ) It can also be detracted from by a small tv, old bad coloring on the tv, or having TV single-channel audio. OR being unable to listen at all.
  5. heavensnight

    heavensnight Member

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    excellent post OP
  6. grindout

    grindout Member

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    One thing I don't like about this game is that it doesn't require much gun skill. I play sniper because it takes the most gun skill on the game. I know it isn't a full shooter just wish somehow more gun skill could be incorporated.

    Good points you made though.. Good thread
  7. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    You have missed one key aspect;

    • ****ing with your opponents head.

    Putting your opponent off his game, psyching him out, making him think you're doing/planning something else, or just confusing the buggery out of him are all perfectly valid skills.

    Have you ever played against a person that didn't kill you, but made sure you had to focus on him or you'll be killed?

    That person is the annoying bastard and has a proper role in every team game all the way back to the father of team games Tribes.
  8. AmazeTheory

    AmazeTheory New Member

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    Should see me playing anything with a couple of energy drinks in me lol.
    Awareness just shoots through the roof.

    MNC for thoughts:
    "Bots where are they?"
    "Other players where are they?"
    *Press back to see scores*
    Anyone on a streak? Kill em
    "Bots where are they?"
    "Other players where are they?"
    Upgrade skills
    Check money
    Check Annihilator
    Over and over again.

    Hands just spamming everything on the controller throughout lol.
  9. StarPilot87

    StarPilot87 New Member

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    Lies and slander. I can do just fine with my 4 year old controller I got with my 360 that has 2 loose joysticks, and the joystick padding worn down from years of use. The left one is even worn down to the raw plastic.
  10. Organous

    Organous Member

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    You're pretty much accurate, but as has been pointed out, there are some things you are missing. I simply look to Playing to Win, which itself uses the wisdom of The Art of War. I was about to write a cliffnotes version, but honestly it's enough to just link.
  11. grindout

    grindout Member

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    This is awesome, but I find funny because when I was a pro player, I had a new controller every two months.. Thankfully my sponsor payed for it, but it is nice to have a brand new controller for serious tournies...
  12. Zander Star

    Zander Star New Member

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    i find it incredable how people can hop from controller to controller. I can not do it, I feel like a randy running around looking at the ground because the resistance in the sticks are so diff. I myself loved the giant black monster controller from the origanl xbox, thought about killing someone when I had to switch.
  13. Cheesecakecrush

    Cheesecakecrush New Member

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    A few things.

    1. I said it 'could' be affected, I didn't say it definitely was. Its a possibility.

    2. Messing with people's minds, "the art of war," etc. is encompassed in the Strategy section. It covers alot of aspects of personal gameplay like baiting people into traps, flanking, just to name a few. Its not that I was forgetting it, but intentionally leaving those aspects out as to avoid making 3 short, concise sections and one massive one. I suppose I should've named it "Strategy and Tactics" but again, I was keeping it short.

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