Hi all, i took it on myself to post a review in GameSpot for PA. you can check it out here: http://www.gamespot.com/planetary-annihilation/user-reviews/2200-12612157/ they have yet to review the game and this is our chance to get good info out there before misinformed people write bad reviews (im the only one so far).
That was a pretty good review, i'm sure people will be convinced it's a good game unlike the biased and hateful reviews on metacritic.
I'm a bit confused.. the gamespot site for PA says that both Uber and Nordic are publishers.. Can someone explain this for me?? My thoughts was that only Uber was injecting money to develop the game.
Technically they didn't publish the Physical Copies, they Created and Distributed them. It's not that Uber couldn't have done it themselves as much that Nordic could do it more economically. Mike
https://forums.uberent.com/threads/nordic-games-and-pa.54689/ Publishing is a bit of a blanket term and given it's general negative connotation these days I try to not use it for edge cases like this, thus the use of "Technically". It's more like contract work really from my understanding. Mike
Common sense really to use a 3rd party for this. Distribution of a physical item world wide is literally a logistical nightmare, especially regarding all the differing rules on import and content restrictions and such. Getting pa on the store shelves was probably a much bigger undertaking than you think- uber could probably have sorted it themselves in the US, but globally? Highly unlikely imo.
I'm confused, did Nordic pay Uber to let them distribute it (and share in the profits aka publishing) or did Uber pay them to distribute it on their behalf.
We don't know the specifics, Uber said 'Partnered' with Nordic, so reading into that I'd guess it is a kind of arrangement where Nordic will take a cut of every game sold via them (so potentially *no* money may have exchanged hands either way)...