Games not starting & unresponsive client

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by ukwolfy, September 28, 2013.

  1. ukwolfy

    ukwolfy New Member

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    it was fine in the Alpha, now even changing my colours takes ages, as I click a few times, then it stops changing for a few seconds.

    Also starting games just hangs on the starting game screen
  2. MikeyTheSoviet

    MikeyTheSoviet Member

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    I have the same problem dude!
    Alpha was great for my system, now it can't handle more than 3 planets even IF I do get into a game!
  3. darac

    darac Active Member

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    Yeah, Starting games takes ages. It would be nice if this was addressed before other issues as the more games we can start successfully the more other bugs we'll be able to uncover in the actual gameplay. :)
    MikeyTheSoviet likes this.
  4. warrenkc

    warrenkc Active Member

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    I have the same issues.
  5. Nielsoneter

    Nielsoneter New Member

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    I'm having the same issues except for I didn't play the alpha. I bought it yesterday on steam and I haven't been able to play a game since. In the 'starting game' room, I've waited a couple of times over 15 minutes but eventually the game won't respond and I have to manually shut it down.

    Please Uber fix this problem! I want to play your awesome game!
    Thanks for the help,
    ~ Nielsoneter
  6. cptusmc

    cptusmc Active Member

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    I too have the same exact issue. I have an ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4300 Series graphics card with 2039 MB approximate-total-memory.

    When I try to make a game, it stays on the "Starting Game". I even let it run for ~15min....N/A.

    Also, while in the System Editor, I am able to build lava and moon planets (haven't tried all yet) but Earth like planets will not build. I left it for an hour and when I came back it still said that it was trying to build the planet. Had to force the program to shut down b/c I couldn't do anything else. I've tried this twice, same results each time.

    Just to Note, each time I created a system, I built it with 2 planets. Lava and moon planets build instantly, Earth planets remain a colored ball.

    I guess we will be waiting for the next update. :)
  7. MikeyTheSoviet

    MikeyTheSoviet Member

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    It seems that whether or not your PC is high-end or low-end, some people pretty much get shot with bad luck. I hope you all have luck in your games and finding out what it is that causes this.
  8. syox

    syox Member

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    It looks like RAM issues for me. Planets are to big or too much after i load over 7,7 gigs in RAM system starts swapping ram a lot to disk.

    Ok tried with a selfmade System 4 Planets biggest 500 diameter finally got a game running with around 1,7 gig for PA in RAM
    Last edited: September 28, 2013
  9. darac

    darac Active Member

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    I find the more planets and the bigger they are the worse the problem. I've only been playing in 2 planet systems with size 2-3 planets. That works consistently but it still pretty slow. I've got 6GBs of RAM I think (it's an odd amount. I know).
  10. flexable

    flexable Member

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    I have the same issue. Since Beta, starting a game takes ages, and most of the time either the opponent or myself just leave before joining the game. In alpha it was smooth, since beta... whoa. If my system is not good enough, I doubt a lot of players will be able to play: i7 haswell 4770k + gfx 770 + Win 8 pro + 16GB RAM. Latest drivers, etc.

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