Games in progress don't refill fast enough

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by zarakon, August 18, 2010.

  1. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    When people leave a game, the slots they leave stay empty for far too long. These slots should be the first priority for placing players into a game
  2. Veruca

    Veruca New Member

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    Oh, I totally agree with this. The past 2 days there have been several occasions where we would drop from 12 people down to 7, and then we would just wait and wait, but nobody would join. And after a few minutes, the remaining people lose their patience and start to leave as well. It's actually a lot faster if you leave right away and join a new session.

    And also, why can't a game start when there's 6 people in the lobby? There's just too much waiting before a game actually starts. :|
  3. CausticSushi

    CausticSushi New Member

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    I disagree completely. My party ALWAYS gets split up if we're put directly into a game, followed by the host quitting when we're back in the lobby so we dont even get to play on the same team. Utter nonsense.
  4. Veruca

    Veruca New Member

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    So you would rather wait with 6 people for several minutes, without even knowing if someone is actually going to join, than to start a 3v3? We're talking about beginning with enough people to start a game, but ending up with a player short to start the next one. And the fact that nobody seems to join these mid-session waits (to actually fill up that essential spot) makes it just annoying. Most people just leave after waiting 5 minutes and look for a new lobby.

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