When are we gonna start seeing some real gameplay videos. I know comic con's coming up and I'm sure shaky cam will make a showing, but that's not the same with all the background noise, devs narrating everything, and people probably don't know how to play too well. Most of the gameplay out now isn't much more than a minute or two long and a lot of it isn't even consecutive, just clips showing off the all the skills(if that). I'm tired of being told about the game and I just wanna see it in action. There is a huge difference between all the skills on paper and then how they will be used and what they will mean as actual tactics to the players. A full gameplay video makes that much clearer than a 10 second clip of a headshot. The games gone gold right, and you're probably testing it anyway, it would be wonderful if someone could record a match or two. Thanks
Can't wait for CC to see Support having fun. Shaky cam is the only way to see all the tricks and tips though!
There are a few shakycam vids on YouTube my friend did while at PAX East. Unfortunately, I'm talking through most of them, and that is not something what should be exposed to human ears.
So close to release I don't think gameplay videos are needed anymore, But I would like to see competitive tournaments and stuff of MNC. Perhaps a few weeks after release some competitions will come around.
Dang it, well my Gamertag is SlinkyGuy. Looking forward to playing with/against you, Smitty and the rest of the gang (devs included).
My Gamertag is the same as my username here, if anyone's looking to play a guy what has three whole rounds (!) of Assassin gameplay under his belt come launch-day.