I bought a "Gamestop" branded xbox 360 controller to use on my PC. The clerk told me they didn't stock MS wired gamepads anymore and truthfully I just wanted to get the hell out of there because of the shopping/parking madness so I took it. I thought it would play as well as a stock MS gamepad. WRONG. The analog sticks are terrible. They can't keep up with my fingers wishes to turn around quickly. Sensitivity on my gamepad is all the way up too. I felt obligated to share this experience with anyone else who's thinking about buying a gamepad for use with the PC.
I just wanted something, anything so I could play from the office. Now I know that 3rd party controllers suck.
The only good 3rd party controlers I ever owned were one on the megadrive which was 6 button and had a ton of auto fire switches back when it was the cool thing to have, it was well built too for 1992, and a snes looking pad for the ps1... at first I thought it was a pile of crap but it actually turned out ok for some games due to it's shape, fighters for instance. Never again though.
i hear there's some really awesome controllers called "mouse" that come bundled with most PCs. you should try one of those.
Chances are better off buying USB adaptors for PS2 controllers and finding a hotfit to get the X/Y input's reversed as that's about my only issue with my pad set up. ( Honestly thought I don't play assassin without a pad, it just feels far better IMO then keyboard. All other classes thought I'd rather have keyboard/mouse. )
Yeah, I needed a new controller for MNC, my old Xbox360 one had been worn away from 550 hours of TF2 and about 100 hours of L4D1 & 2. The thumb sticks were sticking so I cracked it open and oiled up the thumb assembly rigs. It got rid of the stickiness, but started taking me in directions I didn't want, so I went ahead and retired it after years of faithful service. I toyed with the idea of buying a third party cheap XBOX/PC compatible controller, but I know they always feel weird, so i just ordered a black wired 360 controller from Amazon. It was only like $37, and I knew it would give me years of service. Xbox may not know how to treat its customers/devs/games, but they sure know how to build a heck of a good controller. :roll:
Yeah, if you want a good PC controller, the standard wired XBox 360 controller is pretty hard to beat for the price.
if with a new ms brand controller you still have aim issues try the emulation software called xpadder. when the game releases ill be jumping ship to pc for MNC and im going to use a controller too. i would love an icon to note im using a controller while playing the pc version to let those i kill know what they were killed with
Don't use a gamepad for a PC shooter!!! If you like gamepads just play the 360 version with the other people that can't aim. Seriously, gamepads have NO place in PC shooters, you are playing at a huge disadvantage and are hurting your team
FOLLOWUP: I bought myself a black wired MS controller at lunch and it was DEFINITELY the controller. Feels just like 360 All you controller haters, you're welcome to your opinion. This thread is for those of us who choose to play on both xbox and PC and don't wish to derail our already set habits. @Polynomial - feel free to rage on me, brotha
So far, I've been carrying the randoms I've been playing with. Saying Gamepads have no place on PC games is like saying diversity has no place in America. It just doesn't make any sense bro, but I still respect your opinion.
Always a good decision. Although i have noticed it has trouble locking on with HHGun compared to the 360 version, not sure if it's the game or the controller, I must brave the game and play... (dum dum dum) with the mouse! to check it out.