1. captainyellow13

    captainyellow13 New Member

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    I know this topic has literally been thrown out there hundreds of times and i'm not asking to be redirected to the post that its about.

    Seriously though, I have spent 100$ on the pre-alpha for this game when it first came out on steam though following it before steam. There really has to be something done about the fact that when I play on a scale 1 planet my base within 2-3 factories can be comparable in size to a asteroid. I felt as if I was mislead by the early phase pictures and screenplay of small bases in canyons and whatnot basically suggesting that this game's battle scale is that of Supcom 1 if not bigger in almost ever aspect.

    Well come to find out that this game keeps getting more and more content added to it as well as bug fixes and new features but never gets scaled down even slightly. Apparent issue would be "Well we have to fix some stuff with the game if we want to scale it down", well that's kind-of your fault for deciding to continue despite unit sizes being comparable to a small mountain. Is scaling that much of a issue to fix? or is this going to be constantly ignored? I don't want to have to mod my game in order to fix the issue when I rather have a option to adjust sizes or just have a smaller size overall.

    Also pardon my grammar/English.
    Timevans999 likes this.
  2. aevs

    aevs Post Master General

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    It's been mentioned before by the devs that much larger planet scales will be possible in the future. Scale 1 planets are tiny, so it makes sense that units appear so large on them. On a scale 5 planet, that is definitely not the case.
  3. gab99

    gab99 New Member

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    Scale 1 planets are essentially asteroids I don't know what you're expecting... The game isn't finished and canyons and misshapen spheres aren't in yet (I don't even know if we'll even get misshapen spheres.) If you wanted something like the concept trailer, you're going to have to keep waiting.

    granted I'd like the scale to be maybe .75 times the size it is now, I think it's fine, it takes units a very long time to walk all the way around planets so you don't want them too small.

    If you want a decent planet to actually call a planet, go scale 3 and up, have scale 1 planets around for smashing and scale 3+ for building .
  4. captainyellow13

    captainyellow13 New Member

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    The reason why I mention it is because from one of their posts previously and I quote "We would have to readjust and fix things in the game in order to scale everything down"; well logically speaking if thats the case wouldn't you want to scale everything down first before adding new content? Plus what really concerns me and why I bring up this issue once more is that the game is in mid-beta. I have played enough 'betas' to know that there is a certain point they just flat out ignore the issue and release the game anyways, and I want to do everything in my very limited power to bring up this issue and let it be known.
  5. gab99

    gab99 New Member

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    It's not really an issue more than personal preference for smaller units, again there's a mega thread where they try to do just that (and by that I mean get ubers attention)

    And again scale 1 planets are ridiculously tiny and the style is slightly cartoonish so naturally you're not going to get realistic scale.

    If I remember right we started beta in October, it's only been 3 months, the game is now at a "when it's done it's done" point, there is no way we are at mid beta considering we don't even have a release date anymore
  6. abubaba

    abubaba Well-Known Member

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    Scale in the Kickstarter trailer is identical to what we have now. If anything, we can have bigger planets already. There is that one single desert biome concept art piece which everyone likes to refer to when talking of scale. And to be honest, I don't see how it would make that big of a difference having higher mesas and terrain props in the game. In any case, different scale preference is fine, but there is hardly a case for misleading. There is a huge thread for discussing scale already. The Kickstarter trailer is what they were selling and made it very clear what this game would look like. In fact you could argue that if you went and changed the scale drastically, then Uber would not be keeping to the promises of the original vision.
    cptconundrum likes this.
  7. overwatch141

    overwatch141 Active Member

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    Why do people keep arguing about scale?

    Think the units should be bigger? Play on a smaller planet.
    Think the units should be smaller? Play on bigger planets.

    If you're talking about the scale of units compared to stuff like crevases or mountains, then you're out of luck and will have to wait a while longer.
    Last edited: January 1, 2014
    BulletMagnet, abubaba and peewee1000 like this.
  8. peewee1000

    peewee1000 Member

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    Game is quite far in development and from my limited experience, changing such a low level design, is huge amount of work. And for what? So that we can have better experience only during the rest of the beta? Because situation will resolve itself when optimizations are done, game released, and you can create systems as big as your rig allows. As per @overwatch141.
  9. r0ck1t

    r0ck1t Active Member

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    To be honest, the scale of the buildings and units relative to the size of the celestial object don't really bother me much. If the scale was anything realistic, it would take units a while to reach point A to point B. As the devs said, they aren't going for realistic necessarily.. otherwise I'd probably be much more critical of its current state.

    Adjusting the size of the scale in game, to me, seems impractical as one player could play it on a different scale than the other and that would make a difference between the proportions of distance and the size of the units, etc.

    Once the devs start "getting the big rocks in" before they start working on all of the details, I don't think it would be unreasonable that the scale would change.
  10. hanspeterschnitzel

    hanspeterschnitzel Active Member

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    Larger planets do NOT fix the unit scales. They do not fix the scale of a tank to a -tree- or a mountain.
  11. ghost1107

    ghost1107 Active Member

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    Very true. Scale is a bit fucked up right now.

    You can already make misshapen spheres in the System editor, I believe the slider is called Height.

    75times, I like how you think but it would just not be fun to play on. It would be like a 1.000km x 1.000km in SubCom. By the time that your units are half way to the enemy base, you would be orbital and when your units arive you can throw an asteroid.

    <200 Asteroid
    200 - 350 Small moon
    700 - 900 Average planet
    > 900 Big, Bigger, HUGE
  12. occusoj

    occusoj Active Member

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    Pretty sure he meant 0,75x which is often written as .75. ;).

    75 times the size would be way off.
  13. overwatch141

    overwatch141 Active Member

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    Did you read my post? You should.
  14. peewee1000

    peewee1000 Member

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    I don't think trees should be larger, these are big robots! Mountains and canyons on the other hand should. But rather than scaling all units and buildings down, add larger terrain features, which only appear if planet size is over, say, 2000? Less work and this complements existing assets, rather than replacing them.
    abubaba likes this.

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