Game(s) MNC makes you think of

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Saint Mudknot, October 19, 2010.

  1. Saint Mudknot

    Saint Mudknot New Member

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    I have been blabbering all week how this game is bringing up memories long stuffed into my brain. I am going to say i have never played TF2, so i cant say what is the same and what isnt besides the cartoony graphics. I love the fact this game basically takes a jab at Monday Night Football, but this game really reminds me of Smash TV from the Sega Genesis. The gameshow with a crazy announcer, you and another person going against waves of robots and thugs. I know there isnt really a boss in Crossfire unless you consider Jackbot since its a Boss Bot, or maybe some of you 99s can be considered bosses haha.

    Its like Smash TV with DOTA skills lol, just awesome.
  2. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    The first time I played this I had to laugh at all of things that reminded me of TF2.
    -Support: Medic + Engineer.
    -Assault: the black guy with a grenade launcher. Reminds me of the Demoman.
    -Gunner: Almost the same exact thing as the Heavy.
    -Sniper: Same as Sniper.
    -Tank: Heavy + Pyro
    -Assassin: Spy

    The biggest difference are the skills.
  3. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Warpath (the FPS)
    And that's all I can think of at the moment.
  4. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    4 maps, class based, bad lobby system.
    It's basically Shadowrun.
  5. Bulletr0k

    Bulletr0k New Member

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    TF2 and turret defense is how I describe the game to friends. I always wanted to play Shadowrun though.
  6. DeadEye

    DeadEye New Member

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    Bad Shammas!

    Shadowrun is in a league of it's own. MNC is basically a TPS Shadowrun with less balanced classes, less skillful guns, worse buy options, re-spawn, teleport, and complete awesomeness.

    To me it seems more like TF, though I never played it, it's cartooney and etc etc.
  7. Zander Star

    Zander Star New Member

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    conqouer live and reloaded the squirlle game was the ****. exactly like this one only was better imo because it was a whole game not just an arcade i still love this though. sept 99% of the ppl that play it
  8. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    That's the one I was looking for earlier! I used to play the **** out of that game.
  9. Zander Star

    Zander Star New Member

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    game was legit had vehicals big maps mainly the same classes and upgrades bigger lobbies and good party system. god i miss that
  10. Snappyguy

    Snappyguy New Member

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    Tribes! So much fun is being brought back :D
  11. Wandrian Wvlf

    Wandrian Wvlf New Member

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    MNC takes so many cues from TF2 it's not even funny and no wonder that I like it, myself having been a huge fan of TF2's 360 port as well. Please allow me to do a crapload of comparisons :)

    TF2: It's 1968 and two mercenary organizations engage in ultra-covert warfare all across the building their bases next to each other and having their mercenaries stand on platforms to "capture" the enemy's territory, all the while some mysterious Administrator is somehow profiting from the brutal deaths of people that look exactly like each other beyond their differently-colored clothes.

    MNC: It's the future and human life isn't sacred if you're a clone created specifically to die in the world's #1 game show where you'll fight other clones and endless hordes of destroy a giant gold disco ball, make the fans cheer, and maybe to see Pitgirl dance?

    By any standard, both plots are bat#&$% crazy stupid. It's kind of like the Dead or Alive games. Nobody's playing any of these games for the story now, are they?

    Now the characters is a little bit more complicated of a comparison since there's a different number of classes in the two I'll do the best I can.

    Assassin: Spy.

    Assault: MNC's compilation of TF2's Demoman, Scout, and Soldier. Probably leans more towards the Scout since his firepower isn't too high compared to others(Demoman and Soldier are *THE* dominant classes in TF2), but everything about his attitude remind me of the Scout.

    Gunner: Heavy. Big white guy with a big gun that requires revving up to use. Heavy.

    Sniper: Hmm...

    Support: Medic, hurr-durr.

    Tank: Heavy. High durability and the fact that he possess more power at close range fits the same role as the Heavy perfectly...Except TF2's Heavy can do NOTHING at long range with any hope of success.

    all: Engineer and Medic. Instead of making the Engineer a complex class in and of itself, everyone has the ability to deploy turrets, traps, and buy bots. A shame we're missing the Gunslinger and "buildin' a MEDIC!" Instead of tying a superpower ability to a single class like in TF2(even after countless nerfs the Medic's Ubercharge ability is still game-changing), we've got Juice.
  12. alanebro82

    alanebro82 New Member

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    Reminds me a lot of Global Agenda. Fun game, but not nearly as good as MNC. I also paid $50 for it...
  13. Vinticus

    Vinticus New Member

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    Rachet and Clank! Seriously the way the bots move and react, it makes me think of that game, lol.
  14. daleee1

    daleee1 New Member

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    it a lil random but it reminds me of comand and conqure for obviuse reasons

    MNC:defend a bid money ball from enemy robos while still trying to destroy ther one

    comand a conqure: build a base and destroy your oppents base but still defend your base form the puny infantry ha

    so its odd noones posted that befor i think :lol:
  15. mute

    mute New Member

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    dunno how many of you played UT/UT2 or UT2k4, but there are alot of alternate game modes.. Monster Madness (very popular mod) is a tad similar, but the main reason I'm reminded of UT2/UT alot is because of the character movements and some of the weapons. Plus, UT was the king of the kill combos and headshots. Big difference is that (aside from some mods) it wasn't class based (although ppl did play like it was). There are some similarities to Quake arena too, specially the design of the launch pad and some of the colors used.
  16. Bulletr0k

    Bulletr0k New Member

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    I just started playing League of Legends, and holy shat it is like MNC with more whiny players. More "pros" too, with some being annoying and some being meh.
  17. ForeverZero

    ForeverZero New Member

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    I never played TF2 so i cannot compare. But after playing MW2 (and hating it) i have to say it reminds me a lot of halo2/3. Not because of the plot or anything, but the way the guns handle.

    The sniper stays dead on and the reticule doesn't jump wildly on the screen just to be "realistic". The longer you hold the trigger on the assaults 'battle rifle" the less accurate it seems to be. The grenade launcher works almost the same as the brute shot. And a lot of the other guns just feel like the old halo ones.

    Other than that, It feels like it was influenced by a host of games ranging from the MOBAs to FPSs. The game shows a lot of polish and class balance and even if the content feels a little light right now.
  18. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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  19. Hector

    Hector New Member

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    Obviously TF2 and maybe a little of ShadowRun.
  20. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    It's interesting how many console fanboys have mentioned Shadowrun (and not TF2). MNC plays nothing like it. Shadowrun was a poorly executed Counter-Strike clone that put FASA Studio out of business. What makes MNC special is that it's so easy to play. Unlike Shadowrun, which featured some of the worst mechanics I've ever seen in a shooter (eclipsed only by Gears of War), MNC's input scheme is smooth, fluid, and simple to learn. Valve and Bungie could learn a lot from Uber by paying attention to MNC's seamless play control.

    Monday Night Combat exists in its own genre: third person tower defense class based shooter. At first glance, it might seem like a few of the Uber devs got high one night, threw TF2, Toy Soldiers, Tremulous, Iron Grip, and ... oh what the hell, who needs this old copy of Bill Laimbeer's Combat Basketball ... into a blender, hit the "Make you his bitch!" button, and out popped MNC in all its glory. Get real. There are some truly talented developers at Uber who put a lot of love and forethought into this unique project. Greatness is achieved through blood, sweat, and tears, not copying & pasting.

    I've played thousands of arcade, computer, and console games. There's really nothing like this one. Even with its flaws, MNC deserves a spot on my top ten list.
    Last edited: November 1, 2010

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