Game not reaching full potential

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Davy o, February 27, 2011.

  1. Davy o

    Davy o New Member

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    Yeah, right now i'd say its about 70-75% of full potential

    remove the assassin class and it could reach 100% lol :p

    seriously tho why... is there an invisible, backstabbing, class...

    its a shame this could have been a nice skillful game
  2. Espiodude2

    Espiodude2 New Member

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    While I do believe lunge grappling takes no skill, and gives you a free kill (Sometimes even from the front), I don't think Assassin should be removed. Assassins should be punished more for just going for kills, and not pushing bot lanes. Perhaps raising the cool down on lunge, reducing face grapple damage, or something else, Assassins can just lunge in, grapple, and if it doesn't kill they can smoke bomb and repeat the process.
  3. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    How long have you been playing? The assassin is certainly isn't game breaking or anything close to it. The reason they put her in is simply because she is interesting and she is quite fun to play. When you learn her tricks and how to avoid confrontation with her, she will become nothing but a nuisance.

    If you didn't already know, you can hear her hum. It is quite loud and once you begin to hear it she won't seem so invisible.

    here's a video of what you are supposed to be listening to:

    What class are you playing, i can give you some advise.

    EDIT: something i forgot to mention, the Assassin is FAR from invisible when she isn't standing still. You are just not paying attention. Also if you hate the assassin, you would DESPISE the Spy in TF2 lol

    Also, Espiodude, Lunge grapple may take no skill but it doesn't break the assassin. Because of that, there is no reason to fix it.
  4. M1ller

    M1ller New Member

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    As already said the Assassin is in for pure fun which it is for the most part. Removing her would seem a bit silly and would take away from the game.

    Yes ok, the Assassin class has a couple things wrong with her, namely the somewhat new Tank and Assault mid-charge grapple bug (when the assassin manages to grapple mid-charge) and the lunge to grapple which just allows Assassin's to kill you from any direction. (considering you were meant to be punished for face grapples)

    She helps keep you on your toes!
  5. Rammite

    Rammite New Member

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    I like how his plan to complete the game and fill up that missing space is to remove content.

  6. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    Erm, I beg to differ. I play most classes, maining Assassin recently. The Assassin is your saboteur, she can get past the frontlines and take over all the task that 'visible' pros have difficulty with: Killing enemy bots at the spawn, taking down undefended turrets, harassing pros who hinder your team to push forward. She's very versatile and can be a great asset if played right.
  7. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    Assassin is a fun class to have

    Sniper is the one that should be removed
  8. Fitzgerald

    Fitzgerald New Member

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    I was wondering if that was a bug or not. Seems to happen more often than not. Ill charge a sin. and mid charge the grapple animation will start but im somewhere in the air, and the sin is about waist level to me. if not at my feet. I take it others are experiencing this to?
  9. Napster

    Napster New Member

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    Imo the Assassin is just fine. If you get annoyed by them, they're most likely playing wrong (killwhoring instead of killing bots and turrets) which will result in you winning anyways.

    The Sniper is the problem imo.

    Edit: oh and yeah. The grapple while charing bug, sooo annoying.
  10. Davy o

    Davy o New Member

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    one of my biggest problems with assassins is when they juice is just so epic overpowered, they juice and smash a turret then just fly and tickle you for a 1 hit kill then fly kill ur other turret then smash 2 groups of bots on the way out. oh and also the fact that they even exist

    assassin juice is op
  11. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    Fixed this.

    I kill so many juiced assassins. I don't remember the last time I killed a juiced gunner.

    A juiced gunner can OHKO you from any range, his mortar damages more than a sniper headshot. A juiced assassin needs to be touching whatever she is killing, which means I charge the hell out of her (if she grapples, good waste of juice), and if she gets hit her health is less than a juiced tank so she is fairly easily killable. Juiced shotgun kills her in 1, unjuiced shotgun in 3, deployed mini kills in 3 seconds, grapples waste her juice so hard, airstriking while in a grapple means death, and so many other reasons you can kill a juiced assassin and not a juiced gunner.
  12. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    Often enough

    1) assassins kill bots and wreck turrets like no, other.

    2) gain juice too fast (way too fast)

    3) are invisible and never have to worry about getting jumped

    4) Keep juice more than anyother class (no oh great lunged back stab thanks for that)

    5) are way too easy to play (require no aim, and very little skill to be good with)

    6) ruin amazingly fun fire fights by locking people into face grapples and getting them killed. (this requires No skill at all, thanks for that assassin)

    IMO they could be removed and I wouldn't miss them. They are played wrong by 90% of the people who play them (going for stabs) and for the 10% that do play them right, they are fking unstoppable game enders with no drawback, infinate escape tools, and tiny hit boxes. Oh didnt we just have 5 turrets? No.. I mean you did, but an assassin killed 3 groups of bots, so you know, thats a juice bar..

    bleh.. IMO they ruin tactics. And force people to just run around all the time, never stopping anywhere for cover (accept snipers who have traps to protect them). "Good, i'm in position, behind the wall, got the enemy snipers LOS denied, got an eye on this bot lane, here comes the assault.. ok wait for it wait for it.. oh lunging face grapple.. oh he jumped so nothing hit him accept some measily bullet.. oh look he lunged and theres the smoke bomb.. oh whats that? Oh the assaults ready to fight me now.. yeah I have 10 health.

    Saw 2 friends playing assassin earlier, that was SUPER fun, and took SOOOOO much skill.. Face grapple, face grapple.. 2 assassin gang bang.. NOTHING you can to do stop it.. Short of having 2 tanks to double death blossom..

    1) hear a hum, oh its coming from behind me and in front of me, oh lunging assassin, gonna try and dodge this nope other one got me.. oh I'm being face grappled, while his buddy is swiping his sword at me.. oh I land dead or with 10 health and eat the other grapple.

    Super cool.. SUPER COOL

    /end pointless rant
  13. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    I played those 2 guys once. I'm almost sure I know who you are talking about.

    I did about as well with gunner as I did with tank oddly enough. As a tank, they killed me above normal, and as a gunner they killed me less than normal.

    I guess when in doubt, empty the magazine?
  14. Kel

    Kel New Member

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    Front grapple means assa death, I doubt you're playing right versus sins.
  15. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    triple mortar while juice: 270*3 (or 3.25 if you have crit endorsement) = 810 (or 877.5 with endorsement)

    Sniper headshot: 170*6.7 = 1139

    Once again, just like the mortar cannot 1hit kill a sniper without a critical hit, mortar while juiced doesn't do as much as a headshot (though it does do enough to absolutely devastate anyone and everyone)

    Stop making up information that can easily be verified as false.

    You must defeat Shen Long if you wish to stand a chance.
  16. vortexcontinuum

    vortexcontinuum Active Member

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    Everyone thought Assassins were annoying in the beginning. Now I look forward to seeing Assassins on the enemy team, they help me get difficult protags because they die so quickly.
  17. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    Bad assassins I love. Good assassins I still hate cause they are impossible to catch even if you daze them (thanks to lunge's short CD)

    But yeah, bad assassins are basically walking ATMs
  18. vortexcontinuum

    vortexcontinuum Active Member

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    Good Assassins have limits, as they still have to be near you to do good damage.

    Good Assaults are just ridiculous.
  19. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    I don't make up stuff. I estimate stuff. It is pretty close, and "enough to absolutely devastate anyone and everyone (and anything and everything)". The juiced mortar pretty much kills without a fight. The assassin should have to put up a fight when juiced.

    This was a mistranslation. You know that right? It literally means "you must defeat my dragon punch to stand a chance". Which you are throwing out as many pointless numbers as n00b shotos throw out shoryukens. I trip kick them constantly, and after they stop I just start pressuring them. They are easy to manipulate.
  20. ohknee

    ohknee New Member

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    It's pretty hilarious seeing people call Assassin easy mode when classes like Assault, Gunner, Tank and Sniper exist. :roll:

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