Game mode suggestion: Alliance timer

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by BallsonFire, June 18, 2014.

  1. BallsonFire

    BallsonFire Active Member

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    I thought wouldn't it be cool to have a game mode: alliance timer. (not a no rush timer!)

    The idea is simple all players have an alliance and you can exactly see what everyone is doing. after a time period of lets say 10-20 minutes the alliances are all broken and can not be set again. You have to anticipate on all the build moves of you opponents. I think this game mode can result in very fun games, especially on small crowded planets/systems.

    I know this could be mod and maybe it is even a very nice idea for the official game, what do you think?
    maasse, eroticburrito and PeggleFrank like this.
  2. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    That would be interesting... The meta game would be weird.

    For example, Send fabbers to my enemy base and build lots of laser defense towers.

    Maybe have it so everyone spawns on different planets?

    I dunno.

    I'm definitely intrigued.
    PeggleFrank likes this.
  3. eroticburrito

    eroticburrito Post Master General

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    Hell yeah this would be awesome, if the server could cope with it! (People would have more time to build a lot more.)

    Dynamic Alliances are already great, and this would be another fun game mode. Perhaps when the timer is over an option to revert to various FFA/Team settings (arranging into teams/turning Dynamic Alliances on, or just plain FFA) could be brilliant.

    I agree with Brian we also need more Spawn controls, but that's a separate diddly doodly.
  4. BallsonFire

    BallsonFire Active Member

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    Yes I was thinking about a radius around the commander where no the other players can't build or move units in. Than it also becomes important how you use your commander.
  5. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    10-20 minutes, is definitely a speculative number. 10 minutes in you could have t2 without much aggression.

    It is a good idea though, my only suggestions to change it:

    -Vision, is not hard-tied to alliance, atm. I say grant vision, without granting alliance. That way, if they send units into your base, you attack them.

    -Obviously the counter normally should be something like 6-10 minutes.

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