I haven't played a RTS game since C&C Red Alert 3 so I'm a little rusty. Is there something that tells you the specifics of the game and the units? I went to the PA Wiki but that wasn't really in depth.
The game is changing still quite a bit. So anything like what you want would be a waste cause its changing too much right now. By all this I mean the units that are in the game atm will most likely change in function, some may be taken out, others will be added.
This is a pretty good overview of the UI, but I think some of it is already outdated because the game has changed so fast. http://exodusesports.com/guides/the-user-interface/
The PA wiki is complete crap. Use this instead: http://pamatches.com/wiki/ And this: http://pa-db.com/
PA Matches also includes a ton of gameplay videos and tutorials. Watching some gameplay is an excellent way to get an understanding of PA. http://pamatches.com/
There really needs to be an official version of that, or a link to that from an official source. I was watching a stream of someone who bought the game in the sale. He played supcom so had the right idea (had shift for queues, assisting with fabbers and even ctrl for checking a units range worked out), but didn't know things like: How to link teleporters That moons were smashable. If I hadn't told him he would have been waiting for asteroids, he didn't know smashables were implemented Then how to smash. That's fair enough as the interface for that is pretty bad as it stands Shift click to build 5 instead of one Infinite build toggle (this and the above meant he was clicking on the spinner icon 30 times to build 30 spinners) Power state toogle I suspect he didn't know any of the area attack commands, or anything else like that. Unless you're told, you only tend to find that sort of thing out by accident.
An in depth tutorial / manual will be coming to PA we can be certain of that. Due to the stage we're at in development (as in stuff is still being added / tweaked) it doesn't make allot of sense to spend too long documenting things as they change so quickly. The info given above should get you started, also feel free to PM me if you have any specific questions. The game has lots to it but it's pretty intuitive once you get your head around it all
A lot of things can be documented now, with little change in the future. Like area build, things experienced players take for granted but new players will complain isn't implemented when it is.