Game freezes and doesn't respond - Forced to close

Discussion in 'Support!' started by demonichell, August 20, 2015.

  1. demonichell

    demonichell New Member

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    So this happened twice today.. Well atleast tried it twice. So I'm basically playing for 70+ minutes having a intensive battle the game gets quite laggy with a high end pc. But then again the enemy had like 100+ fly thingies and I owned an entire planet with security (patrolling fly thingies) and just as they were attacking my main base on the planet that I didn't own yet. The game freezes becomes white, slightly slows my pc and forces me to close it using ALT+TAB+DEL. This is really annoying and I don't feel like playing PA: titans anymore as this pissed me off. This happened twice and both times I played for 60+ minutes having a intensive battle.

    If it helps what Mod I'm using It's the Mystical +9 cheat thingy. That has been updated.

    EDIT: ON normal PA, I played for 75+ minutes usually and never had a single crash when using the Mystical cheat.
  2. xanoxis

    xanoxis Active Member

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    Does it crashes if you reconnect, when you move mouse after planet generation? If yes, I have symilar crash/freeze.
  3. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    I might have something similar to your issue, but I'm not sure.
  4. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    Could you post your DxDiag?
    And see if you get the same crash while not using any mods?
  5. Idrol

    Idrol New Member

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    I have had the same issue without mods more specificly when i try to invade a planet i send the space titan with a radar satelite and when they enter the enemy planet my game freezes and doesnt respond after 10 minutes of waiting. I also have a pretty high end pc.
  6. xanoxis

    xanoxis Active Member

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    I have KIND OF solution. Running game in Windows 7 or 8 mode does not crash, BUT game have **** FPS then. 8-15fps, instead of 70-90, no matter what.

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