Game crashes when i zoom in!

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by Mousemoose, September 28, 2013.

  1. Mousemoose

    Mousemoose New Member

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    I suppported PA on kckstarter and have been waiting for the beta for ages, so when i finally got it i was really exited and started a custom game, joined it and pressed ready, someone else joined and we started the game.
    after about 4 minutes the planets loaded and we chose our starting points, then as soon as i zoomed in on tiny bit the game grinded to a halt and stopped responding and crashed.
    if anyone else has had this problem and has fixed it coud you please tell me, i really really want t play PA but i cant.
    also here's my dxdiag:

    Attached Files:

  2. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    Outdated drivers is your problem:
    Card name: Radeon (TM) HD 6470M
    Driver Date/Size: 7/25/2011 16:20:20, 796160 bytes
    Most likely you'll need to install generic drivers from AMD website:
    First try to download and run "AMD Mobility Radeon™ Driver Verification Tool". If it's give you drivers to install just use them.

    If it's say that your hardware isn't compatible you need do that:
    1. Backup important information from laptop.
    2. Download and install "Latest Beta Driver" from same page.
    Usually generic drivers don't cause any problems, but I'm recommend back backups anyway.
  3. Mousemoose

    Mousemoose New Member

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    Thanks for your vigilance
    im downloading the beta drivers now

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